How can you convince a friend to leave an extremely abusive relationship?

Posted on 26 September 2012 by Admin

Question by : How can you convince a friend to leave an extremely abusive relationship?
He strangles her and bites her and she said she thinks he will kill her soon. They have a 3 week old baby.

My friend’s mom took my abused friend to a safe house, but my friend would not stay there. She hasn’t told anyone else about his physical abuse, although everyone suspects it. I told her mom what I know. Her mom askes her every day to “come home” but she won’t leave her abuser. Also, he is a convicted felon who was in prison for armed robbery. My friend has always dated great guys and had good relationships before.

Someone’s answer:

Answer by Paradise P
Grab her from her hair and drag her to her mom house before it’s TOO LATE! and her 3 months baby, and tell the authority!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!