What would you say is a very good book series?

Posted on 10 January 2013 by Admin

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Question by Jack: What would you say is a very good book series?
What is a good series of books, directed at children to young adults, that offers an exciting adventure filled with lovable and memorable characters, teaches moral lessons and displays the triumphs of love, friendship, family, believing in ones self and good over evil.

And please explain how.

Someone’s answer:

Answer by Panama Joe
Carl Hiassen has a great series for young readers that starts with “Hoot” about young teens in Florida who try to save some tiny little owls from greedy real estate developers.


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Comments (7)

  1. i♥edwardcullen says:

    alex rider series – anthony horwitz
    twilight saga – stephenie meyer
    harry potter set – j.k. rowling

  2. Chris S says:

    Definitely the A to Z mysteries by Ron Roy. It’s about three kids in Connecticut that are always getting caught up in solving a mystery. I love them. There are 26 books. One starting with each letter of the alphabet. He finished writing that series a couple years ago and he is now writing the Capital mysteries which has a similar plot but takes place in Washington DC with the president daughter and her friend.

  3. ApocalypticZombie says:

    harry potter…it’s about an orphan who learns he’s a wizard and must fight the ultimate evil…what you said pretty much describes harry potter perfectly

  4. TwilightLuvahh says:

    The uglies series!! yep
    The inkheart series! yep
    possibly harry potter and twilight :]

  5. Me says:

    Other than Harry Potter, the other series that may fit the bill is The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare (the first book is City of Bones).

    In The Mortal Instruments, their is a pretty twisted love story throughout it, but also is a lot about good vs evil and the a lot of the characters learn along the way about themselves and how to be their own person, and that their birth conditions do not define who they are (and not in the whole class/order/place in socialization thing). I’d say more, but it might give away a lot.

    Hope I answered your question. 😀

  6. Lovealways♥ says:

    oh my goodness, you HAVE to read the Private Series, it was 5 times better than the Twilight Saga, if that is possible. There are a total of 10 books and another one is coming out in October. They are by Kate Brian. The books are about Reed Brennan who grew up in a small town and wanted a change, so she goes to a Private School. She wants to get into Billings, but doesn’t know what shes in for. There is murder, love, stalking, heartbreaking, and excitement in each in every book. I read every single one of these book in two days because they were so amazing. You have to read them =]

  7. Omniscience says:

    “The looking glass wars”
    books:3(the last one comes out this fal)
    age to read: 13+
    story: This is the “real” story of “alice in wonderland”. In wonderland there lives the 4 royal families: heart,club,diamond,and spade. The “Heart” family is the powerful of the 4 and rule of “wonderopolis” one of the leading countries of wonderland. Allies(the real alice) is with her mom(queen) celebrating the Creation festable, a gathering in which people show off there power of imagination(think of imagination as the “force” because it has a light and dark side, but imagination allow people to create things) in the mist of celebration allies’s aunt redd attacks the kingdon to take rule and to obtain the crystal heart(It amplifies imagination) to rule wonderopolis.

    I’ll leave the rest for you to read. I might of got the wrong name for some things but you get the main idea. this is a trilogy that shows good,evil,love,death,hope, and friendship. hope you like.

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