Poetri doing DATING MYSELF on Def Poetry

Posted on 23 November 2012 by Admin

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This poem is for anyone that is currently or has ever DATED THEMSELVES! Follow me on Twitter @Defpoetpoetri. Check out my show on July 29th at the HaHa Cafe Comedy Club. It is called Spoken Funk. For tickets and more info go to my website www.Poetri.com. Make sure you pick up Poetri’s latest CD available NOW on http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Comments (24)

  1. Spoken Funk says:

    Now that’s what I like to hear. lol

  2. tinocharamba says:

    I’m definately subbing to hear awesome poems like this

  3. briangman48 says:

    Lol… I enjoy this 1

  4. Jared Shorten says:

    I spend way too much time watching different artists from Def Jam, but you’re one of the best here man, keep it up.

  5. inertiapoetry says:

    You’re a great poet, and judging by your responses to comments on here, very humble.  I hope you keep performing for many more years. I know I commented on this about a week ago, but I’m watching a bunch of poems just to get in the mood for my first poetry reading tomorrow.

  6. sarahqtgirl says:

    I am now selling Scentsy in the Central Florida Area. Feel free to contact me, sassysaraht.scentsy.us

  7. puntrkickr23 says:

    I watch Poetri and Taylor Mali as much as I can. Basically every day.

  8. inertiapoetry says:

    I listen to this poem almost every day before, after, and in between classes. I have a list of Def Poet performances that I made of my favorite poets. This poem made me want to get into writing more spoken word, and it even inspired me to make a youtube channel and write almost every day. I’m working on about a dozen poems right now. Thanks for the inspiration and great messages, Poetri!

  9. KiyoshiKing says:

    Honored? Im actually surprised you answered! I feel privileged.I just wish I can do your poem justice!Im the only non-english major in my class but I really got into poetry from you.It may sound kind of corny but I love how you express yourself.Being someone who doesn’t always do so well in the department of expression,it’s inspiring :).I always say that if I could change a single person’s life for the better,in the slightest, it would be amazing.With every ‘like’,you do that.Best wishes Poetri

  10. hahahamooo says:

    Hehe I remember reciting this poem for my English class last year. Great poem poeti!

  11. Poetri says:

    Ahh, thank you. I am kinda cute. lololololol. Just kidding.

  12. Poetri says:

    Wow! Thank you. I mean, I think thank you. If by this you mean, you are reciting one of my poems, i am truly honored.

  13. KiyoshiKing says:

    In Poetry class we have to recite one of our favorite poems- guess what I’m doing 😀 !

  14. reevesladii9 says:

    hes too cute lol

  15. OBPynz says:

    😀 the perfect match, what a great solution.

  16. OBPynz says:

    haha roflinglolery, is great


  17. Poetri says:

    yay! Thank you for blessing me with your words. I appreciate it.

  18. Poetri says:

    I think we all have one time or other during our lives.

  19. Lauren Clark says:

    I understand this poem so well. LOL!

  20. Nikko Nguyen says:

    Whenever I’m feeling blue about relationships, I know I can always watch this as a pick me up. You have a way with words that I can’t seem to explain. Keep doing what you’re doing, cause you help people everyday.

  21. Matt O'Brien says:

    it doesn’t matter who you are with, or who you are not with. end of the day, there is always yourself. you will always have you. you are not alone.

  22. sexislimaz says:

    as funny as this is there is an excellent message in this….thank you for this!

  23. Engie Baby says:

    I love Poetri he is hilarious

  24. GidimFiasco says:

    Please please please look at my poem called Somalia on my page, im a young poet just trying to get an audience.Please and thank you. please like this comment aswell to make it top rated please .please once more ,its my dream to be on something like def poetry jam

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