Posted on 17 November 2012 by Admin

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I give you the best long-distance relationship advice. TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com YOU CAN SEND ME STUFFS! 13428 Maxella Ave #533 Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Comments (25)

  1. AlexisThx says:

    ….arms…. veins…. skinny…

  2. sarnmarshow says:

    you look like my health teacher

  3. Remy Pinto says:

    right so its just a general life tip for everyone…. ok then

  4. pete275 says:

    No way, toilet skyping is very intimate, it’d be great for a long distance relationship.

  5. pnk825 says:

    HAHAHAHAHA WTF!! this girl is awesome!!!!! made my day

  6. muradianemma says:

    a 7th grader can do that.
    MY point was ….get laid

  7. tanyazutubeaccount says:

    Suggestion: confidence…talk about how you gained enough confidence to lose weight, to accept yourself after being messed up after your mommy became magical for everyone, and how and why you think you can make money doing videos

  8. Remy Pinto says:

    i do maths eff off this is basic shit moron

  9. mishacastilli says:

    Stick it in your juice box and suck it….xD hahaha

  10. TheEssiejay says:

    Courtney, your hair is so long in this video! Why was this just now uploaded??

  11. REDZ28won says:

    Chatroulette is just a sausage fest. Dont waste your time unless your a gay man. Funny Video Courtney. Also cool dress, looks good on you.

  12. Coonpiss says:

    This video made my day! 🙂

  13. Grymmorgan says:

    Oh…and BTW…Magic Unicorn Photobomb killed meh!! x^D x^D x^D

  14. Grymmorgan says:

    BWAINZ!! SHAU YAU BWAINZ!! (shamble, shuffle…)

    And welcome back to the Big Vids, Courtz! (sheds a single tear for the PB&J wall) KEEP THIS SHIZZ HHHHUP!!! 8^D

  15. bettyboop89123 says:

    your are so funny!!! love this video!!!! haha

  16. Annie Bow says:

    i know i couldnt stop focusing on her arms.. but its a funny video and her hair is flawless!!

  17. jgromma says:

    expecially!! :)) This is cool… I think we need some more of this!!

  18. muradianemma says:

    get laid

  19. Remy Pinto says:


  20. Remy Pinto says:

    C^3 is CxCxC and y=mx+c so c=y-mx therefore c^3 = (y-mx)^3 =y^3-y^2mx+ym^2x^2-m^3x^3
    Therefore the formula for a long distance relationship=y^3-y^2mx+ym^2x^2-m^3x^3

  21. mandgrful says:

    hey courtney you have nice biceps lol u shouls flex them there hot 😉

  22. TwistTVShow says:

    Do “how to have perfect hair like Courtney pants”

  23. Larwick says:


  24. Emilie Nielsen says:

    Omg.. She is SO skinny.
    Brilliant video though 😀

  25. allenamezijnbezet says:

    this was awesome, do it more often

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