Any ideas for friendship gifts?

Posted on 22 October 2010 by Admin

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Question by infamous_emberella: Any ideas for friendship gifts?
A small group of 4 (including myself) are best friends and have been since we were in Kindergarten, and actually we are more like sisters. Now at 35ish we get together once a year to celebrate our friendship. I would like to get gifts for all four of us that are the same, but represent our friendship (a ring, neclace or bracelet?) Something subtle, yet classy, that isn’t showy, but possibly something that only means something to the four of us. I have found jewelry that is usually for two people, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by mikedrazenhero
get 4 boxes of really good Chocolate, and yall are gonna take it home and eat it, it’ll problly take few weeks to finish, when they finish the chocolate. you bring out 4 more boxes, and keep going until you run out of gift money

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Comments (4)

  1. Jess says:

    well, i got my friends charm bracelets that had four charms. it had their intials, then something that they could represnt them, and last something that could represent our friendship.

  2. fesha_b09 says:

    It depends on how much you actually want to spend on them. You could by them something as a whole that you could all do together, like go on a trip or by tickets to you favorite singer or band. Or you could get something for each one of them. Try going to It is a great website that asked you questions about the person you are getting the gift for and asks questions about their personality until it comes up with the perfect gifts. i am sure you will find something on there to get for them. Good Luck!

  3. Vonda J says:

    Have you thought of a tattoo? my best friend and I just did it last week … we just got a small heart right below our hair line on our neck…its just an idea…good luck

  4. angelwings_g says:

    a bracelet

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