Girl i’ve been dating has kept secrets from me about her past and has lied to me. What to do?

Posted on 12 August 2012 by Admin

Question by singledad83: Girl i’ve been dating has kept secrets from me about her past and has lied to me. What to do?
She thought if she told me things about her past that i wouldn’t want to see her anymore. But honestly its not all that bad, just some bad relationships and poor decisions on her behalf. We’ve been friends for almost 3 years and dated one another intimitly a couple of times in between.. It came down to it that she lied to me about her so called best friend ” just being friends nothing more” Come down to it they were intimate before but claims no feelings there and is like a ” brother ” now. well how can someone you slept with be like a brother now and about the secrets and lies?

Someone’s answer:

Answer by yaknow2
confront her then dump her ass

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