WHAT TO DO AFTER THE BREAK-UP 5 Tips- Relationship Advice – Ask Chauntel

Posted on 27 January 2012 by Admin

Chauntel and Robert explains what steps to take after you’ve experience the breakup. You need closure?? Watch! askchauntel@gmail.com

DatingSecretsForDivorcedWomen.com Dating Men Over 40 and Dating A Divorced Woman. What if you could get inside the head of a 40 something divorced man and hear what he really thinks about dating and relationships. So what does a divorced man over 40 really think about dating and relationships? Let me set the stage You meet this man that is reasonably attractive, well spoken and financially secure. He is quite capable of handling his life after divorce in terms of the domestic issues and he is also a committed father who says he takes an active interest in his children’s lives. Looks like he has the potential of being a great catch for a divorced woman over 40 who is looking for a long term relationship. But is he really all that you think he is? Or is he something altogether different even though he believes he is a winner duh! Well I happened to find these shocking comments from a 40 plus year old divorced man on the best of Craigslist and want to share some of what’s inside this guys scary head. DatingSecretsForDivorcedWomen.com He views a woman as mostly there to satisfy his sexual needs. But he prefers a dog for companionship where he can be the master. Do you get the feeling that his ex wife got tired of being treated like a dog and dealing with this master? Does he think that a woman who is in a happy and fulfilling relationship will actually leave? She would still be in the relationship unless she was unhappy in the marriage. So does he mean that basically there is