Question by talker628: What would you do if your friend won on a slot machine with your quarter?
You’re at the casino playing a quarter slot machine. You have a bucket of quarters that you’re using to feed the machine. You’ve been playing for an hour and haven’t really hit anything big. You’re friend comes over to ask how its going. You explain that you haven’t been very lucky. So your friend reaches into your bucket, grabs one of your quarters, puts it into the machine you’ve been playing and it hits for 0,000.
What do you do? Keep all the winnings for yourself? Split it with your friend? Give your friends a small portion? Give the whole thing to your friend?
Someone’s answer:
Answer by kevrigger
It was is choice and his luck. All he really owes you is a quarter. I hope he is a good enough friend to give you some.
What do you think? Your comment is most welcomed!
friend put in my machine and with my quarter so share it
Since you are playing the machine it does not matter who put the quarter in, it would be your win. However, a lot of people go in a group with the intention if anything is one big they would split it. I probably split the winnings or the amount after taxes.
Your quarter, your machine and your friend did this without asking, I’d say these are all your winnings and you are entitled to do what you want.
Personally, I’d split the winnings 50/50. Would not want to lose a friend over money.
Ask for half of the money.
It doesn’t matter what quarter you use, whose quarter, what machine. IT’S LUCK. Odds are, you probably wouldn’t have gotten the $250,000 jackpot on there if you did it. It’s all LUCK. The quarter isn’t lucky, all he owes you is a new quarter.
ya split it 50/50
split 50/50
I keep the money, and take him out for a nice meal and plenty of drinks. He bet my quarter in my machine that I am sitting at. He didn’t work any magic, play a different machine or anything else. He also placed the bet with my money.
So I’d treat him nicely, buy him a present, that kind of thing, but I am not about to split my winnings with him.
Split it 50/50
buy the next round of drinks but the money is yours