Question by Healthy Environment: What exactly is an “open relationship” and how is it different from a regular relationship?
On making facebook profile I see both “open relationship” and “relationship” as possible options.
What’s the difference between the two?
Someone’s answer:
Answer by God
you’re more likely to get STD’s in the open one
What do you think? Your comment is most welcomed!
An open relationship is one where you and your partner are in a relationship with each other but you see other people as well. People differ on how they define the rules some, but this is the basic idea.
sex with other people, basically a relationship void of commitment.
an open relationship is when both people decide to see other people,also seeing each other at the same time. it is not monomagumous.
a regular relationship is when both people decide to see only each other and noone else.
Open relationship is open to everyone
Regular relationship open to only your special circle of people
that you have to work out with your partner, what does it mean to be in an open relationship you both have to agree to it, like see other people while you are dating each other, for some people it just means that but the couples usually establish the boundaries first like does it stop at seeing someone or you can kiss o have sex with others, see what i mean?
The difference relationships *i agree with the std thing lol* and they prob. get bored with just the one and aren’t and will not be very loyal..just wanting fuck buddies..and a regular relationship is where two people honestly love one another and don’t need other people to fulfill any of their needs but that one,usually very loyal and can actually make commitment.
My ‘open relationships’, to me meant that we did not ‘own’ each other, which that damn marriage certificate seems to make people think about each other. I did not expect my partners had to give up their friends, or had to let me know who all her friends were, nor did I worry that she wanted to be out with her friends all night. Yes, it meant we were free to see other people, but hey, it happens all the time, even to those who are ‘married’. I didn’t tie her down with a ball & chain. My only rule was, that she was to come home to me when they were done, physically & emotionally. So, yes, my partners had other lovers. Did I, no, I didn’t, I was happy with my relationships! For me it was enough to have fun looking at & finding other chicks hot, but, I had my partner & she was enough! I suppose I’m just one of those thought to be extinct monogamous creatures.
Basically you and your partner F..around and still you claim that you are couple..