Question by Michael P: What are some online dating secrets?
I was doing some research on this and found this website – I think they are pretty good but I would like some more answers.
Best answer:
Answer by vinak
their are no ghurls on the internets
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Online dating shouldn’t replace real interaction with people. Don’t take it seriously, and avoid drama.
Hmm. Don’t lie and be straightforward. Be. . .interesting? That’s something you have to do on your own.
Five-to-Six figure income…your inbox will be full in less than a day
BE HONEST!! No girl want to fall head over heels with an imaginary man just to be sadly disappointed with the real thing. There is someone on this earth for everyone, so don’t let her skip over you by assuming you are someone other than yourself based on your profile.
I wouldnt recommend anyone do it but if you like it then go for it but take heed to what im saying please. Ok, only respond to people you think you would truly be interested in. Next, after replying to them call them and ask them out on a date and show up. If not and you only wanan date online, let me letcha kno cyber gets old and bored, people get crazy, arguments become ridiculous because there is no real substance to the so-called-relationship. Good luck and know, its all about the real world.