Question by Relationship Expert: What are some of your secret dating games that you play? Either purposeful ones or just ways you behave?
I know that some women pretend not to like someone when they actually do to get guys to pursue them first.
I know a guy that would never call his girlfriend right back so that she wouldn’t know how crazy he was about her.
I am sure that there are several other “games” people play in relationships. What games do you play to get the attention of your significant other?
Someone’s answer:
Answer by hdsink
I don’t play games. I keep it real.
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That’s just stupid. Both examples.
I don’t play games — that’s for high school kids. If you can’t be real, then don’t “be”.
Just my .02.
I try not to play games… but I’ll admit if my boyfriend gets in the habit of taking a really long time to answer texts or return phone calls I’ll purposely take a long time to respond so he sees how it feels and speeds up
dont play games with them
because they might think you dont like them .. and then they will move on and you will be hurt
i dont play games.
i don’t sleep with the guy even if i REALLY want to. i need to know i have his respect before i bring out the “freak”
when it was time for valentines my bro got some val cards and it says ” i look forward to playing bedmitten” then later found out it it’s a sport so u could make up a game called bedmitten. yeah it sounds naughty