SMBC Theater – Dating Solutions

Posted on 20 July 2012 by Admin

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Tired of first date stupidity, Sandy decides to bring technology to the table. Executive Producers James Ashby, Zach Weiner, Marty Weiner Written by: Zach Weiner and James Ashby Director: James Ashby Producer: Angel Askins Color: Chason Chaffin Guy – JP Nickel Girl – Kelly Smith
Video Rating: 4 / 5

QA on local Texas Tech football show.

Comments (48)

  1. groovygower says:

    This is fucking brilliant! I’ve just discovered the comics and they’re not only hilarious but really clever, and then there’s these videos!


  2. Maphisto86 says:

    No it’s not. I am perfectly honest about my life as a superhero from the planet X and it has always served me well. : P

  3. TheVanOorschot says:

    Lieing is necessary, you tool. 🙂

  4. Hakudohshi says:

    Commercial availability of 100% foolproof lie detectors would destroy civilization. :c

  5. zamulen says:

    This is gold.

  6. CocoaNutCakery says:

    It’s amusing, but… let’s just say that the accuracy of those machines is debatable.

  7. Draugo says:

    This one just flows so well from start to finish.

  8. Lisa Davis says:

    I think guys can sign up at sites like thedatingbay. net and find the one they are looking for or just lots of girls to have some fun with

  9. Anna Lee says:

    The new way to meet people for romance – LIVEDATING.ME is the new social network for love, romance, long-term relationship and flirting

  10. taalii123 says:


  11. jcchurch says:

    Want to go back to the area under my friend’s van? -New pickup line.

  12. mariaxenac says:

    “I could do better!”

  13. noamzilo says:

    what was the last line?

  14. MrElegos says:

    Build a lie detector and touch him on the penis.

  15. bbrake says:

    This is probably my favorite SMBC Theater. Very smart and well-delivered!

  16. marjeventuresllc says:

    I really enjoyed watching your video! It had good information that’s really useful! I’m telling my friends about it now! :) I’m looking forward to see what you post next. I have a website related to your video that I would like to know if you would place my link in your description? made4dating(dot)com/limitless I am willing to pay you $15 for placing my link there. We can help each other out! Please let me know soon. Thank You! -Davina

  17. volugthebeast says:

    “i could do better!” *buzzzzzz* xD

  18. Pitadmin says:

    I almost had an anuerysm from laughing so hard!!!

  19. gadlen2 says:

    Effing genius.

  20. Crabjesus says:

    This is still my favourite 🙂

  21. piecharthosen says:

    well yeah. just because the guy was lying half the time doesn’t mean she’s perfect.

  22. therandomperson00 says:

    Funniest one yet!!!!!

  23. sisyphusmustbe says:

    This was done really well, although I’m assuming red buzzer won’t stop me from saying it’s rather reminiscent of David Ives’s play “Sure Thing,” which is a great play to emulate.

  24. rayx3025 says:

    It’s really interesting… Watching this now, after listening to the Weekly Weinersmith, I immediately recognized Kelly’s voice, but I didn’t know that this was her. Really interesting how a voice gets wrapped into an imaginary persona in your mind.

  25. Robertz1986 says:

    She can’t get a better guy than him, even though he lives under his friends van…

  26. wvushane46 says:

    mike leach is awesome

  27. machichook says:

    @aotdnnc yeah you can meet plenty of girls like that AND if want a killer method this is it =>

  28. alivia willson says:

    Hello! Thanks for this useful video. By the way, I hear a lot of people keep on talking about Zuntramax Secrets (search on google), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you thought about this dating program known as Zuntramax Secrets? I’ve heard many great things about it

  29. MrSandeep2008 says:

    Guys, getting girls doesn’t have to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a dating course called Zuntramax Secrets (do a search on google). Seriously, that program has changed my entire life I probably should not even be mentioning it because I don’t want a bunch of other guys out there running the same ‘game’ but whatever, I am just in a good mood today so I’ll share the wealth haha.

  30. Baylorfan27 says:

    Great tips from a great man

  31. Anna Lee says:

    I can’t say women and men are materialistic, this really depends. Once I met a guy on and it was something.. but the way, has just introduced this amazing “moving heart” effect on the main page, have you checked this?

  32. nevercosigndude says:

    I wouldn’t always agree that foreign women are less materialistic. Often you have to watch out for marriage fraud when dating or marrying illegal immigrants. Just don’t get married or co-sign/mix finances and you should be ok. Watch out!

  33. AllPro777 says:


    So in other words, completely stay away from any woman born and raised in western society and date women from non-western countries, exclusively? Agreed.

  34. nevercosigndude says:

    Love $cams: Never send money to a stranger over the internet, no getting involved with illegal immigrants/google marriage fraud, pass the check, never co-sign/mix anything legal, no marriage, avoid long distance relationships, when meeting women online avoid dinner & movies on first meet up (meet up at free/low cost places like bookstores/parks/cafes), stop paying for other men’s kids/no single women with kids, always use a condom/no child support, never lend money to women.

  35. marjeventuresllc says:

    I really enjoyed watching your video! It had good information that’s really useful! I’m telling my friends about it now! 🙂 I’m looking forward to see what you post next. I have a website related to your video that I would like to know if you would place my link in your description? made4dating(dot)com/limitless I am willing to pay you $15 for placing my link there. We can help each other out! Please let me know soon. Thank You! -Davina

  36. johnmas25 says:

    Very cool video!

  37. tpcordes72 says:

    “their true self”= fat little girlfriends

  38. jazzfolkrocker says:

    Welcome to Pullman, Leach. We already know his hangout. I was playing at rico’s and he was there from 8PM to closing with his coaching staff. The man can run up a tab… a true Coug!

  39. Mq6vL9Bu says:

    6 people clearly have fat girlfriends.

  40. MrCosio says:

    “Your fat little girlfriends will tell you everything you want to hear”

  41. dcdocen says:

    I’m an aggie but I love me some tech girls

  42. babykevinxoxo says:


  43. MasterShake12321 says:

    “Some cool coffee shop type of place where there’s bizarre looking characters going in and out so that if the conversation isn’t going well, you can reference some of the different characters coming and going from the place.”


  44. jeffreybiderpdee says:

    go cougs!

  45. SuperBigbrian says:

    he is a virgin!!

  46. ixcuincle says:

    Mike Leach is a genius.

  47. groundpounder66 says:

    all of a sudden, I want to date Mike Leach. And I’m a married 40-year old fully heterosexual male. HE’S AWESOME!!

  48. 79barkingspider says:

    Shit, take your fat little girlfriend to a steakhouse??? Then she’ll just get fatter! God I love football coaches. They have all the answers. We could handle all our problems this way. “The god damned economy would be fine if employees wouldn’t listen to their fat little girlfriends.” “We’d have a solution to terrorism if the terrorists would lay off their fat little girlfriends.” “if everyone would ditch their fat little girlfriends, I could get laid again.” This is great stuff!

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