Q&A: What are the pros-cons of dating somebody at work?

Posted on 13 February 2012 by Admin

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Question by Susu: What are the pros-cons of dating somebody at work?
I’m already dating a guy from work and we have a great relationship except that nobody at work knows and there are rumors about me dating other guys at work. They know I’m dating but because I don’t say who they speculate and that’s how rumors start. They also tell my bf that he should date so and so. Anyway, what would be the pros of letting people know who am I dating and what would be the cons?

Someone’s answer:

Answer by cheergirl
you still have 0 answers even after you posted the other question! haha

What do you think? Your comment is most welcomed!

Comments (11)

  1. ♦ ◊ ♦◊♦ ◊ ♦ says:

    it really depends on the kind of job you have. if it’s a strictly non-professional thing, they could really fire you.
    good luck, maybe the folks at your work are actually pretty cool about those things.

  2. John26 says:

    Cons, putting your love over work. The boss would notice that, and warn you about it. You two are always going to be together, a little to much.

    Pros: You have someone there close to you to support you.

  3. thecluelesswonder says:

    Pros: U see them everyday
    U get to go out after work
    U and him work together
    Cons:U break up-U see each other everyday
    U could get tired of each other
    U get in each others hair

    Unless u really like him, i suggest dont do it.

  4. Otto says:

    I would say the pros would be ending all the up in the air bs. Cons would maybe be in the future when ppl speculate on it.

  5. ♥Dr. Love♥ Happy Holidays! says:

    theres no pro and con about anything when dating someone at work
    i think just the rumors and gossip are just getting to ya…you just have to pay attention to your life and your bf. don’t listen to what people are saying around at work…thats what THEY think and it shouldn’t interfere your relationship with him. ignore those comments and let your life be private…if you don’t, your just gonna get caught up into jealousy and eventually its gonna ruin the relationship sooner or later
    ;D see, i answered your question

  6. Lunar Owl says:

    Pros: u feel goooood, your boyfriend might feel more secure or rather you would, people will respect you more for saying something about it……
    cons: more rumours, possible dirty gossip, and so on. common sense really…..

  7. pammypanda1 says:

    a pro is that you would put to rest the FALSE rumors about you two dating others and have co-workers encouraging you to date others.

    the con would be that you sometimes put your co-workers into the middle of a relationship and if you would have a fight, they are forced to feel as if they need to take sides, etc.

    if you’re already dating, then you may as well let others know. no sense in keeping it private. everyone will know eventually, may as well be on your terms.

  8. alexander w says:

    .It’s your own business.Still it might be best to put the rumors to rest and admit the relationship. The only problem about work dates is that people judge you unfavorably if you get ahead in your job.

  9. Jessi(ca) says:

    Alright, I read your other post, about how no one responds to the questions that you post, and heres the deal-

    This question doesn’t really make a lot of sense. You use these run-on sentences that can’t really be followed logically, and it took me about three times to understand what you were really saying. If you had asked me this question outloud, then it would have made perfect sense. But there is a difference between talking to someone vocally, and talking to someone via text.

    If you had phrased it like this-

    “I am dating a guy from work, and we have a great relationship. The problem is that no one at work knows and there are rumors that I am dating other guys in the office. Everyone knows I’m dating someone, but no one speculates. They also tell by bf that he should start dating. Anyway, what would be the pros and cons of letting people in the office know that we are dating?”

    Then I think people would answer.

    To answer THIS question-

    Just tell them. Unless your office has a policy that prohibits you from dating your co-workers, then there would really be no downside. On the pro side- it would stop all of the rumors. Regardless of what the rumor says, its always annoying to hear one going around that you know isn’t true. So, stop the buzz and tell everyone. 🙂

    good luck.

  10. soccamagnet says:

    pro: kiss/ hug in public
    con: everyone will be in yo grill about everything u 2 do

    pro: no secrets
    con: the one best friend u would have told would not feel very special

    pro: they might leave you guys alone more often than not
    con: but they will be listening in on everything you say just in secret

  11. TopEST Contributor says:

    hahahahha, this is the kind of question i skip (i answered ur other one, thats how i found this one) heres y: i have made enough stupid t-charts for school and i dont want to do it in my free time 😉 besides, i think it is pretty easy to think of possible scenarios and wat could go wrong, so im not wasting my time, this is the kind of question i would skip 😉


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