Enjoy these comics and tell your Brony friends about it, again.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Thanks to all of the good and kind people that love my videos and MLP. IF you don’t like compilations, Japanese music, or MLP, this video isn’t for you.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
where do you find the pony comics?
2:27…ok i give up; whats that a reference to?
@MrWakka66 more like a joke about alignments in general
@lukenator1997 hell im a avid drwho fan and I dont get it either,
are you a pedo?
big mqc*
and the big x fluttershy is just weird
I’m OK with shipping but Mlp porn? You have gone way to far
i enjoy shipping. very much. i write erotioc fanfiction, and draw shipping pictures. soooooo…ide have to say the 3 between 3:14 and 5:09 are mt faves.
2:00 Shin Megami Tensei?
i dont get it awt 1:54 i dont watch docctor who so i am confused
@Dewani90 thank you. xD
@H0TC00K13 Meltdown by Rin Kagamine
try to avoid the one singed by Rin, Miku and Luka, you would be traumatized for life
neat video and nice choice of song Jio-chan or kun… i dunno, i suck at japanese
my fav always 2:11
rin yayyyy love it
i wonder what the song is called D:
Can somebody tell me who draw 0:43
0:41 – 0:48 Is My Favorite Part!
Pinkie Pie is WINNING! 0:48
1:33 looks weird o,o…in the wrong angal XD
@Jionunez7 …Pffffft that’s priceless xDD
@thirdtender yes
Is.. Is that Soul Eater Evans?
I don’t know but the humanized cupcakes at 5:20….kinda made me like the whole cupcakes thing for some reason….i looked at it like a humanized MLP version of Dexter or something xD also i kinda loved pinkies insane expression and still had the “yeah wtf ever just give me my mail and eat the cupcake you twit” look and derpy is….well being derpy lol
that last one was just OMG so cute just sooo cuteeeee
2:33 funniest one out of the lot.
so with the pony programs rainbowdash can be found inside applejack.
6:39 *brain implodes*
appeljck en broer
yo dawg I heard you liked youtube videos, sowe put a video on your video, so you can watch it while you whatch a video
my favourite was the red lobster book fort. could you put that picture up on media fire for download if it is possible
1:23 has officially made all of my days. Forever. Seriously. That’s just awesome. Though I would be remiss if I didn’t admit that 2:09 is goddamned hilarious. . . (*facepalm* no pun intended). And then I saw 2:30. . . lolwhut Naylor? WTF? NAYLOR? **Error Error: User Error – Replace User**. Luckily I recovered in time to return. . . to 3:09 **Error Error: etc. 3:50 – O.O O.o I need to go lie down now. I don’t know why, but 4:10 doesn’t surprise me. At all. Props using Haruhi.
5:23 pretty much my face when i relived the memories that the one before it brought up.
my gd deo with 3 of my mostfavorite things, ponies, gildemo, and vocaloid
The two favorite ponies are on my two favorite games.Rainbow Dash on TF2.My MOST favorite on my MOST favorite game, Minecraft. 😀
ARGH. He’s my arch enemy!!!
3:13 awesome
awwwwww, adorable
Twilight is a debate pony!!!!!!!
2:29 makes me want a country boy reeaall bad. xD
4:13 I want my icons to look like that xD
5:04 WHOA….thats awesome
6:40 oh. my. god. i think my diabetes just came back.
Uhm, that’s a vocaloid singing right? Amagad, my universe just exploded. The two best things happening to the world in the last years finally collide 🙂
Which Vocialoid is singing this btw?
2:30 sup rd ;D