Man Talk- Relationship Advice for Men – ( Response to BubzBeauty)

Posted on 14 July 2012 by Admin

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Man Talk- Relationship Advice for Men Bubz Beauty- Healthy Relationship Benji’s Channel: Benji’s Twitter: Benjimantv, benji, itsjudytime, itsjudyslife, bubzbeauty, maintaining, healthy, relationship, 101, boyfriend, girlfriend, love, advice, girl talk, man talk, guy talk, relationship advice, husband advice, how to get a girlfriend, relationship advice for men, relationship advice for teenagers, relationship advice for married couples
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Comments (23)

  1. DreamYourFearsAway says:

    if ur bf needs to learn that then you guys probably won’t be together for long :/

  2. InsidersHealthTV says:

    Ladies! Has your relationship taking a hit due to all of your man’s attention going to sports? Visit our channel for some helpful tips and advice!

  3. GabyCheeseneros says:


  4. Christine Shelton says:

    great advice

  5. eagordonful says:

    I seriously wish that you would come visit my boyfriend and shake this advice into him. This is stuff that I have been trying to explain for months now. Awesome video though, I hope a lot of people learn something from it. 🙂

  6. highoffmusicc says:

    LOL 3:05-3:21 amen to that !

  7. BestRelationshipTips says:

    Good advice from a guy’s perspective about relationship. 

  8. shenGie03Lee says:

    LoVe this!! My boyfriend can take a few tips from this video.. or actually all the tips on this video 😛

  9. Kylie Wade says:

    Dating course known as Zuntramax Secrets (google it) kept appearing here on many youtube and I thought they were scam. However after my cooworker follow it, and finally get laid by hot girl, I’m persuaded. Don’t take my word for it, search for Zuntramax Secrets on the internet.

  10. anmol3212 says:

    Dating training course called Zuntramax Secrets (do a search on google) kept appearing here on many videos and I thought they were scam. However after my work buddy follow it, and finally escape the friendzone, I’m persuaded. You should not take my word for it, search for Zuntramax Secrets on google.

  11. MsCocoSwirl says:

    Hey Benji and Judi. I’m a new subbie and I gotta say I love your videos. I love you and Benji’s chemistry and I’m just wondering if you Judy would do a follow up video for women too. I would really appreciate it. And hopefully I can learn a bit from you on how to be a great gal for my sweetie. Btw Benji this is on point!

  12. yonnahali says:


  13. ChelleBie134 says:

    It’s weird how I’m a girl but I actually liked this video more than the original girl talk vido from Bubbi. Maybe it’s cuz he’s portraying a perfect BF image…If only all guys are like that. -.-

  14. mrdavidmonroe says:


  15. mrdavidmonroe says:


  16. strawburybounce says:

    Great advice for men and women!

  17. r3veusecry says:

    If all men were like you!

  18. BrockHeymanF5 says:

    haha.. @erickaLee me too. I was skeptical on
    purchasing that program cause there are lots
    of scammed program in the net. I took a bit on it
    and thank God it did what it promised! It helped
    me and my partner & finally convince him to give
    our relationship another chance. Thanks to that
    program at the site u were mentioning:
    GettingBackTheEx (d0t) info

  19. xx1015 says:

    wow, you’re spot on!!!!

  20. flickchick06 says:

    Thank you so much for this video.  It helps a lot!

  21. YOBAD323 says:

    should of talked about sex in a relationship haha wussgoin on:”(

  22. tedoymisojos says:

    Very good advice for anyone. You got it down XD

  23. ruchaluver says:

    totally got my boyfriend to watch this 🙂 he now says it’s something he’ll probably rewatch again! i thought i had an amazing bf, you just helped make him even better for me 😀 thank you!

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