Stalk me on Twitter: twitter.com There are a BUNCH of different scenarios dealing with love triangle best friend and boy friend drama, so I HOPE I didn’t miss addressing anything in this video. This has been such a SUPER SUPER HIGHLY requested video & I hope the info in this will help you out a lil bit!
All living things respond to and desire to be loved and feel connection with others, whether we admit it or not. The song is called “Friends” by Murray Wall. Join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com Released on Astronomy Records
Video Rating: 4 / 5
HELP! one of my best friends just told me she is in love with my boyfriend and she is really mad at me! what should i do, i really like my boyfriend, too.
i dont really think this falls into”love triangle” section but, my best friend is basically only friends w/guys im like her only girl friend, and she told me that this guy likes me, cuz hes one of her best guy friends and we talk sometimes, but im not sure if he actually likes me or is just saying that to her, but she keeps saying he does he really does. Ive watched your vids on how to tell if a guy likes you but its hard, since he hides his feelings well ==
sorry this is really long…
I seriously think you need to be a doctor! You explain things so well! Your the best! Keep it up 🙂
hey this guy likes me i don’t like him and i like a diffrent guy who likes me 2 wat should i do
Hi Lizzie,
My best friend is dating my best guy friend and he texts me more then her, emails me more than her, and talks to me more then her! Everyone thinks he likes me. What do i do? Please help 🙂
my bestfriend talks about my boyfriend all of the time and they talk to each other more than me and him??
i am so glad im not in a love triangle!!!!
Kiss your hand 10 times
Say your crushes name 15 times
Post this on 2 other videos
And tomorrow will be the best day of your life
and now shes mad@me agin and now evry ones telling him to ask me out and that he likes me but i dont feel the same and now shes so mad@me that she wont tlk2me what can i do now?
ok so i inda use to think my friends ex was kool and i relly like tlking to him and he was way cute he dumped her and she wants him back and he and i r just friends and evry1 keeps saying that wed b a cute couple and its kinda hard not to think about that kinda stuff the second the thought that i liked him crossed my mind i told my friend i might lik him she got mad so i decided he wasnt worth our frindship i told her that and she belived me till he started tlking to me more thn her
My friend likes my ex and another guy but i don’t want her to go out with my ex… What should I say???
ok so my friend went out with this guy who is now my bf she went out with him for 2 days than made me break up with him for her and i thought that was messed up then second semester he asked me out i said yes cuse i really liked him i asked her if it was ok and she said yes we have been going out for 3 weeks and its good but now me and my friend dont evevn speak is this ok cuse i wont break up with him just cuse of her can you give me some advise
Hi!!! My friends say that I like this guy in my grade and I really don’t like him! But they say I do and I do not no how to stop it! So pizazz help thx leave me something or a video plzzz leave a video! Thxx so much
Hi well my friends say that I like this guy but I tell them I do not and I really do not and they say I do! What should I do???? Plzzzz leave me a video or something! Thx c ya
Hi, I’m thirteen and a guy in middle school, I went out with her like 2 years ago and like her again. We had a miscommunication issue and I have tried to apologize but nothing is working. Please help.
what if u like a boy , but he likes your best friends but she likes his brother?
What if you have a crush on your best friends cousin and she doesn’t like him as a cousin
what if your friend hates the guy u like os much but some one shcool is always saying to them that me and him would make a cute couple 😉
1. Cover your mouth with your hand
2. Make a wish
3. Make a fist
4. Put it on your heart for 5 seconds
5. Post this on 3 videos and tomorrow will be the best day ever
@doglover6623 If you like him, you should give in!
hi lizzie, so theres this guy i like and one of my best friends likes him too and like a few weeks ago he liked her and she liked him butthey never went out and barely talked just like texted and now he knows i like him and he likes me and im scared if he asks me out and i say yes it will tottaly ruin our friendship but idk. PLEASE HELP
What should I do about friends pressuring me to ask a guy out that I like
My triangle goes, Jonny > Me > Josh and people think i like Mason. 🙁 I NEED HELP!
Hey Lizzie. So im in a love square, and here’s how it goes. i like a guy named brandon, brandon likes hannah, hannah likes jason, and jason likes me. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
O_o I’m soooooo in the shit. I’m am the guy in the situation stated in 2:50min if you have time help please. Or i’m gonna end up in quarantine for sooo much longer then in Mosaic law.
nice vid…thanks for posting
Thanks for taking the time to help heal our emotional wounds. Amazing how just watching the video can relax me and I stop thinking and start feeling.
AHAHAHAHWWWWWW the Kitten under the Dogs Ear ahahahwwwww so adorable
Really, really great and beloving!! Never saw a Video that better communicates my way of thinking (sorry for bad english, I`m german) Great Picturea!!!
I agree. Beautiful vid, beautiful acoustic guitar – lovely. Cheered me no end, thank you.
Your vid make me smile 🙂 <3
have a nice day!!!
I LOVE THIS! Made me smile!
i want an elephant
Thank you for this.
Great video!!
0:44 THE BEST!!!
Aboslutely beautiful!
Beautiful, thank you for sharing 🙂
so beautiful! thank you.
C’mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev’rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
Right now
Right now!
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luv makes me smile
Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. ~The Buddha
Beautiful !!
Really beautiful pictures, and music..thank you so much!
what a very lovely video …
inspiring music,production,photography,and message behind all of this-thanks to its creator’s for conceiving and sharing such awesome moments-sandy argo
Be kind to animals. Don’t eat them.
Thankyou for this beautiful video.