Learn English 46 – Relationships

Posted on 30 October 2011 by Admin

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Learn how to talk to your boyfriend or girlfriend about your relationship in English. In this intermediate English lesson you will see a couple taking about their lives together. The man would like to move in together, but the woman wants to slow down. Want to study English abroad? Go to www.ef.com for more information. Or start your studies today with the award-winning online English school Englishtown – click here for your free trial www.englishtown.com .
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Bestselling author Craig Wheedon stops by Today NOW! to urge ladies to face the truth and dump the shapeshifter.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Comments (50)

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  15. slowjoe7zwow says:

    to be truthful americans don’t speak like this…. I wish we didnt because we are starting to look stupid to the world. In fact i like the way people over seas speak english that is english… what i am saying is if you are useing this to come to america it want realy help but england yes…
    (we also dont know how to spell)

  16. mysKBH says:

    thank you very much !!!

  17. chargonchar says:

    I’m German so please take this into account. Thank you.

    Maybe you’d like 2 watch my videos?

  18. scarecrow7236 says:


    congratz! you replied to a half year old comment 😉

    oh noez, if it isnt the spelling and grammar natzi!!

    i dont care, i use proper spelling and grammar everywhere except youtube and msn mainly, cause it doesnt bloody matter 🙂

    oh and, just because i wanna piss you off, whenever you type/write a number that’s ten or under, you’re supposed to write it out..not say “4” but instead say “four”, just FYI.

    and no im not tryin to use correct spelling/grammar in this comment 🙂 cuz idc!

  19. chargonchar says:

    Australian, isn’t, I, awful

    4 errors in such a simple text.

  20. corinau says:


  21. maiconsv2005hotmail says:

    pressa, correr

  22. andresgrunge says:

    que significa rush?!?!??? no lo explico!

  23. capungbesi says:

    i prefer to say.. “there is no world except you” 🙂

  24. scarecrow7236 says:

    “I really apologize.
    It was a mistake
    I didnt mean to. Sorry.”

    Doesnt sound right to me lol, the “I really apologize.” part.

    I’d probably say “I’m really sorry, it was a mistake, i didnt mean to do it..it’ll never happen again, I promise.”

  25. scarecrow7236 says:

    lol, i know you asked that 9 months ago, so anything could of happened, but i think you should earn her trust..if you reckon you deserve to be trusted anyway. You cant earn trust instantly though, it takes time..and then you must not break it, otherwise it could be very bad.

  26. CrocodilusPontifex says:

    225 women are in denial that their boyfriends are shapeshifters

  27. cassey6937 says:

    I knew that since I was little…=) I believe that seriously…and this is the first time i’ve seen this….

  28. cassey6937 says:

    I knew that since I was little…=)

  29. iLikeToitles314 says:

    whats next? hes a mermaid?

  30. btw3006 says:

    Am I the only one who would bang the host, Tracy Gill?

  31. edimk25 says:

    second women on video is just a slut lmao

  32. CpsLock3 says:

    You knotice the only people saying we should “take responcability” are Catholics and feminists?

  33. jcjcjcp says:

    his true reptilian form hahaha

  34. KenFan4life says:

    lol, fucking polamalu jersey

  35. kingsman565 says:

    @clark4926 You can usually tell by the eyes, the eyes never lie. 😉

    Oh and BTW people when are we atleast gona try stop them from murdering most of humanity? It’s one thing to quietly run the world I can deal with being ruled over by aliens but they relly do want to kill most of us! That’s probably something we should do something about you know… I mean it’s not like the survival of the entire human race is anything to be concerned about for fuck sake!

  36. kingsman565 says:

    @apetrowsky1 I got nothing against aliens (as long as there not pretending to be human) I’d like to meet the little Jay Rod guys they look kinda cool & I think the big ones use them as slaves like the replicants in bladerunner which is abit crap, but the bigger ones are arrogant assholes that think we’er just they’er farm animals to be used & exploited. If we’er so inferior then why do they enjoy living like us monkeys? Fucking assholes!

  37. city212girl says:

    What the hell?! How do so many people not realize this is satire? Are you people idiots?

  38. Atheist18505 says:

    This shit is not a satire it is fucking the truth! Fuck you all who doubt me.

  39. MirragedCA says:

    @MarijnStevens Fail on that lol. Shape Shifter is 2 words trololololol.

  40. MarijnStevens says:

    I have three words for ya: “he is a shapeshifter”

  41. juniperlei says:

    the guy who plays the author is sexy 😀 and i like his voice

  42. RussianDemocracy says:

    I thought this was legitimate television until the book about androids. Difficult to decide whether I should laugh or feel terror with the mainstream media.

  43. TheMinotaur73 says:

    ha ha ha brilliant

  44. HelloWerldLawl says:

    Reptilian shapeshifters wrote and filmed this to laugh in our faces

  45. TheAlmostGod888 says:

    I personally think that today now is the best show on The Onion, they really need to make more.

  46. clark4926 says:

    After you know he,s a shapesifter (Reptilian, of course), you kick his ass and kick him off the planet and date only real earth men from then on after a complete dna scan.

  47. MrGojiralee says:

    @coltsuperocean10 SATIRE

  48. gio957 says:

    That nayspay probably smells like fish,a shape shifter’s worst fear.

  49. clark4926 says:

    If you keep your eye on the woman newscaster, she is a shapeshifter because she sticks out her tongue at the end. Pay attention.

  50. coltsuperocean10 says:

    …One good sales man!! Intelligent women should be able to see through this fuckin bullshit! If you need to buy this book, then girl you are a loser! Wake up modern women, do you believe this bullshit??

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