Hope I don’t sound ignorant. Just wanted to express myself. RAW and unedited. Just freely speaking from my heart. How it should be. Twitter.com/Jdiamondisme
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Yiayia (Greek, for grandmother) is a fan of simple, respectful food made the Greek way. That’s why she approves of ATHENOS. And that’s why she doesn’t approve of anything else. Like unmarried couples living together.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
what race are you?
this is just what i needed to hear at this time in my life 😀
ohh wow i need someone like this in my life seriously!
i wish i had a friend like you in real life , just to give me advice like this .
Dumb knocks. Quit paying attention to his appearance and listen to his words. Its advice for people. He’s not modeling
LMAOOOO he even burps sexy
oh goshh…your so hot <3
Ahh thank you u know people so well
youu…..youuuuu haaawww omg i fll n LIKE with u hahahaha lol very nice, (clapp) u really good , u really -3 omggg
you get me so well <3
yeah it is human nature to want someone;) lmao
thank youuu. i certainly agree, i mean there are times when i wish i had a boyfriend, but i know better and i’d rather focus on high school and be prepared for my future <333
Yuh Dont Sound Iqnorant I Aqree With Everythinq Yuh Saidd'[:
1:18 -3
you’re a good guy you know that ?
MARRY ME?!?! (and subscribe to my channel) 🙂 Tis ALL!
Hehe He Keeps Saying “Uhmm…” <3
Nah i Have To Disagree With This Video And His Statements. iM Happily iN A Relationship And iM A Senior iN Highschool , i’Ve Been With My Girlfriend Since My Sophomore Year & Since Her Freshman Year . We Are Truly iN Love Trust Me . We Focus On Both School And Each Other . And We Don’t Spend ALL Of Our Money On Each Other , Wtf 😛 We Don’t Even Have Jobs Either . But Yet We Still Make Each Other Happy Each And Every Day . And We’re Both Going To College After High School . So Ya .
I totally agree with you, specialy that now im going to be a sophmore I try to focus more in school then on guys
he looks wierd without a hat
I completely agree with you.
I can join you in your empty bed ;]
Wow You Made Me change my mind Joey : <3 I LOVE YOU! Focus on yourself,experience new things, Love will find you <3
Thts really true, hmm I do spend alot of money on a girl. I don’t really lyk to ask my parents 4 money cuz they do enough 4 me already. Hmm u hav a very gewd opinion bro. But anyways, I really had nothin else to do haha lol ^.^
how is your bed like EVER empty… ???
I’ve been saying “You are going to HELL” and “You dress like a PROSTITUTE” at school for months now. These are definitely my favorite commercials and I think the first ones to get me to actually want to buy something. And I will definitely buy your stuff.
Athenos, I just want you to know that this commercial campaign made me buy your product.
I’m not even interested in yogurt. I bought it cause of the commercials.
Keep it up. They’re funnier than all the stupid Progressive commercials. 🙂
που πας θα σκοτωθεις?? love that yiayia!!
36 people are going to hell
She looks like Christopher Walken
@InfectedVi That’s hilarious!
Sounds like my grandma. lol
that’s racist
Can You Upload More Athenos Greek Yogurt Yiayia Commercials?
You go to hell!
This reminds me of both of my yiayias!!! I -3 them!!
press 5 to go to hell
Hey isn’t that johanna from Real World. . . she is so hot
@juliefcm93 who plays YiaYia??
I came here only because that guy is soooo handsome!!! His name is tyler ham pong. yup, i googled him ^_^
YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! That…cracked me up XD
I could’nt care less for something as disgusting as yogurt, but these commercials always make me laugh. Keep it up ya ol’ mummy.
you are going to hELL!
haha! just saw another short vid about relationships with the very first couple ever! adam and eve. ck it out. funny!
search eve adam first time
@legolamb4245 ROFL! Couldn’t of said it better myself 😀
Sounds like my Yiayia
@McGturtle3 No, no you are not.