Prettiest friend by Jason Mraz ***** I cannot send u this file… I did it before but it cost me to much energy. I’m sorry *****

Music video by Lenka performing Trouble Is A Friend. (C) 2009 Sony Music Entertainment
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Prettiest friend by Jason Mraz ***** I cannot send u this file… I did it before but it cost me to much energy. I’m sorry *****
Music video by Lenka performing Trouble Is A Friend. (C) 2009 Sony Music Entertainment
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I wanna sing this when I propose to her. 🙂
this song make me cry…and it really sooth into my soul…
does any one know why i can’t find this song on iTunes? it’s driving me crazy!
my friend tried to “make a move” on me over the summer and i told him that i wanted to wait a while and now 2 months later i started having feelings for him and right when that happened he gets a freakon girlfriend 🙁
@madmartinez26 same deal with me my friend.
love this dude u rock
@madmartinez26 How has it gone so far?…you guys together now? ;o)
For anyone who loves bands like Jason Mraz, DMB, Counting Crows, Train etc and would like to check out some new, honest music, please visit my band Red Dust Road at reddustroad doht com and you can download our 6 track EP for FREE, or just click the username below. While you’re there please give us a ‘like’ on Facebook too – support new bands and decent, honest songwriting! We apologise if you see this as spam, but we just wanna give out some free new music you might like! Much love, RDR
very pretty sad song!
Although no one would probably read this, will still try to post it. I’m a 13-year-old boy who loves to sing with my 15-year-old brother & 9-year-old sister. I love to sing, play the guitar and cajon with them, & I hope that we would soon be something big in the future. It is a dream of mine to be a well-known singer some day and you visiting our channel would make that dream come true. If you find this & do check us out, please show your support by hitting “thumbs up.” We love “The Script.”
i really love this song… because for me my greatest treasures in my life are my friends…
I wish that the girl I love would love me back. I guess I’m the dumb person for falling in love with someone who is in a relationship.
Good peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@madmartinez26 Say it louder! And…Good Luck 🙂
i let my friend listen to this song,, few days from that he told me how much he loves.. and i feel the same to.. all thanks to this song.. ^_^
147 people doesn’t have a prettiest friend
so sad 🙁
@MissShannonsings i’m going with the person this song reminds me of… was like fate 🙂
i had to start this over…like six times…this is amazingly naked lol…but. it sounds so familiar…like…i really know this person cause it sounds like someone i know like the back of my hand
For anyone who loves bands like Jason Mraz, DMB, Counting Crows, Train etc and would like to check out some new, honest music, please visit my band Red Dust Road at reddustroad doht com and you can download our 6 track EP for FREE, or just click the username below. While you’re there please give us a ‘like’ on Facebook too – support new bands and decent, honest songwriting! We apologise if you see this as spam, but we just wanna give out some free new music you might like! Much love, RDR
i fell inlove with this song ^_^
147 people aren’t pretty.
@TheSingingMafia So I am talking to an Accountant. You know I always kept Economics on a side, I never understood what they are trying to say…in syllabus books…you know. It was a headache. …Hey have you been to Manhattan… I am a huge fan of FRIENDS tv series..it was shot there.
@gaurvp Lol, I like Economics ’cause I can actually understand it. And then Health because you learn a bunch of nasty stuff haha.
I never get tired listening to this song <3
@theodorewinston18 hahahahahaah NOT!
This video is locked and it can’t play on my iPad,so,dislike to uploader…
ไม่มี เบื่อ
@theodorewinston18 Lmfao
@theodorewinston18 hahahahaha…….True.
ฟังแล้วสบายหูดี 🙂
@multiskype let me guess is because of the vid? or just you want to say this song is awsome!!!!
fajna piosenka
0.19 i see michael jackson ._.
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Hello Everyone! =)
Whereas millions of people have this same kind of dream, I’m trying to get help through YouTube to achieve it.
I’ve loved music and I just want other people to hear me.
Become a professional singer, it’s difficult but not impossible.
It’s my dream? To make it big and have people like and listen to my music.
I’d love if you just give me a chance and stop by my channel. Also if you could thumbs up this comment so other people can see it
Your view could do one big change.
this song scares me …
she resembles alot to MJ at 0.18!
I think she’s beautiful. ^^
She should sing for the next James Bond movie.
She’s so beautiful and cute I’m in love 8P
@zaazi123 Are you complaining seriously?
She looks like Michael Jackson.
My favorite song! 🙂 🙂 🙂
ฟัง ประจำ ขาดไม่ได้
okay so i am totally addicted to this song after looking up the Silence song lst in the back of becca fitzpatricks book silence 😛
Awesome song