This week, we give you all the secrets about dressing to impress girls. Believe it or not, it makes a BIG difference! TheWing Girls is a weekly dating advice show for guys. Hosts Jet and Star give their opinions and how-to advice about relationships, sex, kissing, dating, and everything every guy wants to know about girls. New episodes every Wednesday! For more, go to our website!: www.thewinggirls.com Please add us on Facebook at www.facebook.com If you want to vote for our next video, visit our channel page!
Chauntel gives advice on how to flirt for guys and for gals! Step by step instructions. You have to watch this! askchauntel@gmail.com
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I love V-necks on guys. Also I don’t mind if your shirt is a little tight, if it shows you have muscles, but not too tight, like just a little itty bitty bit of tightness. But I usually don’t really care what a guy is wearing, unless it’s something really weird but of course, personality would always come before any of that.
Holy fuck you two girls are ugly
“Dress to impress” ?!!!! NO! Just be yourself should be the message instead of this stuff! I’m sorry girls, normally I think you’re videos are funny (I’m a girl), but this one is kinda more on the crappy side. You are basically saying that girls are really shallow and some of us may be, but some of us aren’t. I don’t care what clothes boys wear as long as they have some on!
nothing want to come of to mine im 14 and think you girls are soooooo fit :):):):
Plaid shirt with a tie???
v-neaks and hoodies are hot <3
I would fuk thoes bitches 24/7
shorts and a watch lol
I love jet -3
Wow, I learned that girls are more shallow than guys
boxers and a chain lol
i wear steel toe timberland pros, sweatpants, hoodie, and a fresh mitchell and ness snapback EVERYWHERE i go. i still get more girls then my friends who actually wear people clothes
faded black jeans, and black tea with a design and a hat, and adidas.
Im wearing calvin clein skinny boxers would like some :p
Haha. Most important tip: never listen to girls for fashion advice, unless they really know what they’re talking about. Gays and metrosexual men are usually the best people to approach.
(contd.) Another key element to french style is to accessorize. Scarves, Sunglasses, and Satchels are a great way to embrace the francophile look. I would say that the one thing to keep in mind is that for french style, even their casual is a bit dressy. I hope this helped!
Hey, i know I’m not the wing girls but I am a girl and I have traveled much of Europe (france included). Im also OBSESSED with fashion, so perhaps i could be of some assistance. First of all, its important to make sure that everything you wear is tailored to your body. (lets just say they wear their clothes tight) Another important factor is to not be afraid to layer. Perhaps put a sweater over a button down, or a jacket over a v-neck.
Volcum t shirt.
Cowboy boots, boot cut jeans, volume
Wearing boxers
black tshirt and orange panties
Do you girls can answer my question? Well, it sounds kind of corny, but I love this girl at school. She lived for two years in France and travelled all over Europe (So she knows how fashion works 😉 ) She really likes how french men dress (It’s a style I’ve always wanted to adopt). I often wear low shoes, black (Something like vans) with jeans and crewnecks. Do you girls have any tips how I could improve my style to look more like a french man?
hey my names kyle to and its all good but the cowboy boots in the ny area
wing girls? are chinos and a black smart shirt with a collar ok?
you did it wrong
Kiss your hand 10 times say your crushes name 15 times and post this on two other vide your crush will ask you out
Hey gentlemen. A quick share. My cousin used this technique to get his current woman. Have to watch and learn this stuff before hitting on any chick for success. I just started using it too. View the free video. Blew my mind. Just go to GetYourGirl then dot TK (yes, I said dot tk). Important: Then actually start doing what you learn asap.
thank you so much for the encouragement! it means a lot!
love ur videos! u r so articulate
Kiss your hand 10 times
Say your crushes name 15 times
Post this to two other videos
Look at your hand
Guys, getting girls doesn’t need to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a dating course known as Zuntramax Secrets (google it). Seriously, that course has changed my life.
I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning it because I do not want a bunch of other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I’m in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
Its still surprises me, how lots of people do not know about Zuntramax Secrets (google it), even though many people get great result because of this dating tips. Thanks to my cousin who told me about Zuntramax Secrets, I have fully get rid of my shyness, and finally get laid with my crush
Kiss your hand 10 times, say your crush’s name 15 times, post to two other videos and look at your hand
Guys, getting girls doesn’t have to be hard (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a dating course called Zuntramax Secrets (do a google search). Seriously, that program has changed my entire life.
I probably shouldn’t even be talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a good mood today so I’ll share the wealth haha.
Its still surprises me, just how a lot of people are not aware about Zuntramax Secrets (just google it), although a lot of people get good result with this dating course. Thanks to my mate who told me about Zuntramax Secrets, I have fully get rid of my shyness, and finally date my crush
that was so helpful! right to the point
hey there… 4 months ago wow… im late… im a guy.. and im terribly shy and older than u.. im starting thr path of being more confident with myself… and i got some good results.. im afraid yes. but what can we do is face the fear and try. we will always have two possibilities. and rejection will be a common thing.. but try with simple things to ask like “can you gift me that?” or somtheing like.. something weird..
I need help i really like this guy in my class im in 7th grade hes really sweet but hes shy how do i know if he likes me or not ~ineedhelp
ASK ME! :) advice can help us all learn from others mistakes, but experience is what makes a person interesting. it builds character. so low and behold the one person who you should always listen to is yourself…. the voice inside and not the voice of peer pressure, media, boyfriend/girlfriend, trust your gut instinct and do what feels right and be yourself!
i consider myself shy on occasion. it depends on the situation though. i’m 18 and i only had 1 bf for 3 weeks. im crazy with my friends, crazy with certain people even i dont know you that well. even so its like im afraid to show my personality and fear rejection. right now i think this boy likes me but im unsure. im not really into him but im just curious how do u know? he nice he’s a gentleman he opens door, well mannered and friendly
@kristalblair thanks so much Krista
why thank you! i like you 2!
I like you!
You give the best advice.
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Ima super happy you found me 2!
im kinda super happy i found you 🙂
U give some good advice thanks n we have the same name lol