Question by Blue Eyed Angel: How to block a friend on facebook from viewing the comments I post on other friends pages?
I have a facebook friend whom I don’t want to block or un friend. I just want to block her from seeing the comments I post on other friends pages. I work with her and she always asks me about why I said this or what did I mean by that, etc. It is kind of creepy. Thanks!
Someone’s answer:
Answer by Red-Rose
Drop Down Menu next to Home – Click on Privacy Settings, the Custom – Edit Settings on Apps and Websites… then
How people bring your info to apps they use
People who can see your info can bring it with them when they use apps.
Use this setting to control the categories of information people can bring with them.
What do you think? Your comment is most welcomed!
I don’t think you can because I tried just now to see if it works. What I did was, I went onto one of my friend’s profiles and clicked on where it said ‘write something…’
Next, I clicked on the little wheel next to the share button, and all it said was ‘— — controls who sees what on their profile’
So I don’t think you can, sorry.