Question by Jessica: How do you block a friend from suggesting friends on Facebook?
I don’t want a bazillion Facebook friends. If someone wants to find me on Facebook, they will or they’ll ask me. If I want to find someone on Facebook, I will or I’ll ask them. I don’t want friends to suggest friends for me or have them suggest me as a friend to other people.
How do I stop this from happening? I couldn’t find anything in a Google search or in FB’s help center.
Best answer:
Answer by address man
I never found a way to do it either, which is one of the reasons that I got rid of Facebook. Then, they changed the policy so that I could be seen on all my friends’ friend lists, which I didn’t want. Just get rid of it; it’s such a waste of time.
I love the fact that you use the word “bazillion”, which of course is not a real number. You’re right, however.
What do you think? Answer below!
You could change your privacy settings and limit the people that can invite you as friend.
To do that go to account and click privacy settings. From there fin customize setting.
Once there look for “Things Others Share” and change all settings there.
My dear friend ! There is no special type of method to block the friends who suggests u friends.The only way is that who ever suggest u friends just block them okay .. Or the other way is that suggestions from friends was the option from facebook directly so u cant change that option.Whenever u have friends more than 30 or like that u will never get any suggestions.U will get only when u r new to facebook.just wait and see what i have said.