Question by DMR: How do I tell my date that I am dating others when she asks if I am seeing anyone?
When asked, girls typically don’t like that i am dating others and not just them. I get this question on the first or second date if I am seeing others. What is the best way to respond without hurting my date or offending her?
If she gets the idea of me dating just her, I feel that is the same as a relationship. Which I will not jump into on a first or second date without knowing that person.
Best answer:
Answer by itching_knowledge
They aren’t offended at all. If at all they will want you even more as a challenge. As long as you don’t have GF/Wife they won’t get offended.
Just don’t say you are dating a whole freaking cheerleader team, don’t make it sound like you got a lot of girls or anything serious.
What do you think? Answer below!
just say it shes not your gf
you just dont say anything to her. i hope its not serious relationship with your date. because cheating is wrong.
Just say that you’re “seeing other people” it seems like a neutral answer to me.
You just have to be honest. Be sure to tell her, because you need to allow her to make the decision as to if she wants to be with someone that is seeing other people.
It’s best to be honest and tell her that you date other women, cause there is a chance that she might end up thinking you are her boyfriend, and that’s not the case.
Just tell the are dating…no one steady.
tell the truth
Just tell her the truth. Then follow up with “why are you asking?” “do you want to be exclusive with me?” This will make most people back off.
WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTT ! are u mad? ok here how u dont hurt her
Try hiding from her 1 month and date your other one then when done hiding from her say where were u i can’t find u so i date some one else sorry.
Got it dumm dumm and don’t say dumm dumm to her i was talking to u