Michael Sheen is UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and Dennis Quaid is President Bill Clinton in the new HBO Film, “The Special Relationship.” The movie premieres Saturday, May 29 at 9pm only on HBO. For more information, log onto HBO.com.
Michael Sheen is UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and Dennis Quaid is President Bill Clinton in the new HBO Film, “The Special Relationship.” The movie premieres Saturday, May 29 at 9pm only on HBO. For more information, log onto HBO.com.
@hsybcmpny Dude , Blair can not be a dog:) He is number 33 ,same as Bush,.So they are both equal.
@patriothotshot007 We are not allies, Britain is now an auxillary nation. Like Austria to Germany or India to Britain.
@arthurkitchen Blair was not a liberal. He was Bushes dog. And Clinton did a wonderful job of containing Saddam with the Desert Fox operations. The sanctions in Iraq were too much though.
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@arthurkitchen Less intelligent liberals? Who could play Bush? Larry the Cable Guy?
Good movie but too bad these great actors have to portray the less intelligent liberals and downplay the great ones of war like Bush and Cheney. Clearly Clinton was and is clueless when it comes to the military.
i want to see this movie!! going to check out in webmovietube
Rather we like it or not the U.S. and the U.K. Are best friends, and both nations will always be allies.
To ignorant Albanians,film isn’t showing that bombing of sovereign country ( Serbia ) was just,but opposite and how medias were manipulated to show what Blair wanted from public to see.That military action is just a part of bigger picture that created myth of liberal intervention,shown in Iraq and Afghanistan later.Basically,you can invade the country in the name of human rights,it sounds noble,but its still occupation.
Michael Sheen is just perfect for playing Tony Blair. He is a great actor. He steals every scene he is in. You just cannot take your eyes away from him. And he has a beautiful smile.
This was a fine film, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the Queen but still fantastic!
However, speaking as a patriotic Englishman, I would like to say I have never believed there to be a special relationship between the UK and the US.
I love this movie. It’s intresting o watch the cooperation between the America and the UK…Its so……Interesting….Love Michael Sheen in this movie.
the thing is, bush wasnt that smart, was he??
he wasnt the one responsible for the war
Hmm… Doesn’t look like something I would be interested in, but it’s nice to know that people will recognize the “special relationship” (asides from hetalia fangirling)
Dude, it’s USUK from Hetalia all over again…..xD
OMG Aro & Narcissa Malfoy…
Equating capitalism with corporatism helps no-one.
@rambo19962007 : Well actually I was referring to the words and the narration (after the Clinton presidency) of Sandy Berger, James Rubin and Albright. People who were inside. However, I don’t think that the movie picture Blair as a strong leader, on the contrary. Just think of the last remarks that Clinton makes about him in the end of the movie.
What goes on behind closed doors is only known to the people inside. The thing that is plain to see is the adamant following Blair and other world leaders have for US imperialism. Countless documentaries have been made examining the perils of capitalism, vilified by a few and ignored by the masses, it is unfortunately, only the latter that can make a difference.
@rambo19962007 : actually in the Kosovo case he was pushing hard about the involvement of the army in the field, and you may call him as an “opposer” to Clinton which was against it (I think Pentagon as well) . This case is very well documented in books and inteviews of all the people involved. There is also a documentary but I don’t remember the title now.
@STOLLE021 – two glaring errors in your moronic comment of only eight words. Thinking what you could do with a paragraph is not really worth contemplating
Micheal Sheen is one of the greatest actors of this era…however I am quite disappointed in this movie, Blair was nothing but a puppet of the US, but the movie suggests otherwise and tried to show him as an opposer of US capitalism
Fucking the English and Americans fuck your NATO
He doesn’t even look like Clinton.