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Plus: Find out the every day things Emily and finace Jef Holm are looking forward to doing in public. For more video visit:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
hahah ” that Joseph Kony lookin muther fucker”
This is my favorite video yet.
Samuel Jackson! !!!ewwww maybe will smith
“That Joseph Kony Lookin Mothafucka?!!” I fuckin died!
3:11 Kevin lol
full-blown gay
you guys know what you’re talking about…keep up the good work 🙂
Joseph Kony?????? OoOH My ROFL
Lol kony
no SEX is between 1 MAN and 1 WOMEN anything else is DEVIL WORSHIP stfu stupid ho and stick to REAL SEX NOT DEVIL WORSHIP
It’s just advice people, Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do!!!
Samuel L. Jackson!
‘Thats Good Form…Crazaaay.’ LOL
aaaaaahahahaha funniest fucking video yall ever did. holy shit. its a dramatization! sucksucksuck.. ahhh ahhhh ahhhh ssssahhhhh, sucksuck hahahahahahahahaa
the dangers of a threesome I once had a threesome with a beautiful penthouse centerfold and my girl friend. all night party with champaign a all that Jacuzzi. later she was hitting on me while my woman wasn’t around, then when i turned her down, she went for my girlfriend And ended up attacking her. I being the bouncer in the club we all worked, had to mace this chick after she tore up the place.The centerfold was a psycho and we both lost our jobs but personally, it was allll worth it. all true
LOL i fuckin love the hodgetwins
omg they annoy me but so damn fine
kevins face at 3:25, priceless
she be having too much sex! that’s the real issue! take a week… month long break1
I just wanna be your friend lol
kill 2 birds with 1 stone. she would also find out if he really into her and want cheat. men dont share women they love with no body. her gay ass might as well face it she a lesbian in st8 clothing.
I thought his facial expression at, “let’s turn this around” was priceless until you said Samuel L. Jackson! Now that was PRICELESS!!!! LOL
All jokes aside, you’re probably right, she’s at minimum, bi (at least for now). Sexuality is fluid. It’s not as black and white as most would like it to be. The key is always to be honest with yourself and your spouse/significant other.
Road to Gayville!! hahah
love your videos!
Okay, it took some getting used to, but they are good together
Jef reminds me a bit of Zac Efron
gosh….he is soooooo dreamy i cant even ahhhhh
so perfect together
Is she and her daughter,trying out for movie roles.,or modeling jobs.Wait and see
Luv jef! Awesome guy
Just dirty
I want Jef too!! Lol! I really never get tired of looking at these two
i want jef.
i love how he looks at her when she’s talking. 🙂
I love them!!!…Great Couple!!!
Lol take a guess.
inside what lmao?
LIARS. She wants the ring and he wants to get inside.!
this is just to cute @%$#?&%@&#
He’s so cute in interviews.
What a beautiful couple. Emily looks like freaking Barbie at :58. Wow.
Now I know Emily really likes kids…shes dating one afteral 0_o” dang she looks so old next to that baby boy! However, I sure hope their relationship lasts, I wish them well wholeheartedly
jef reminds me of a ralph lauren male model with his hair & the way he dresses
lets hope we can all find our bestfriend for life
They are so gosh daarn cute!