Friendship quotes found from various sources around the web. Thanks for watching! Song: Incarcerate by David Cook
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Friendship quotes and sayings on the meaning of friendship and making friends. Brought to you by
Friendship quotes found from various sources around the web. Thanks for watching! Song: Incarcerate by David Cook
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Friendship quotes and sayings on the meaning of friendship and making friends. Brought to you by
these qoutes are so true, we all need a true friend, to help us not break or bend, but to keep us focus and be strong again. to be there as true friends, no matter who’s right or wrong, but like a chain link fence, hold together and keep each other strong. what matters most in life is having a true companion, who will stand by you to the very end. and with all mighty God let the games’s not too late to be true again , start right now, and be my friend this year 2010, no charge..
Hey i have a girl best friend and im a guy,and im trying to look up quotes/poems just because :/ and ill the ones im finding are about how the boy and girl bestfriends fall in love,can someone help me with finding a quote/poem that doesnt have “love” in it ??because i dont love her like that,i just want to be her bestfriend.If any one can help me it would be greatly apreciated 🙂
Hey i have a girl best friend and im a guy,and im trying to look up quotes/poems just because :/ and ill the ones im finding are about how the boy and girl bestfriends fall in love,can someone help me with finding a quote/poem that doesnt have “love” in it ??because i dont love her like that,i just want to be her bestfriend.If any one can help me it would be greatly apreciated 🙂
@chechnyan91 incarcerate – david cook
i need that soundtrack cant find it, what is its name????
@ccherribombb1297 i am so sorry! that must be horrible! i would go right up to him and kick him in the crotch!!! wait, he doesnt have one! haha sorry if your mad at me. i would deff kill him. just keep your head high and be true to yourself and maybe it will go away! again, im sorry. a rumor once went around that i felt my brother, which was deffinatly NOT true, so ignored it and it went away! just be true to yourself girl!
My ex-best friend told the WHOLE school that im a lesbo witch is NOT true and now everybody calls me a lesbo or everytime im next to a girl or something they so lesbo group.The wordt thing about that is that OUT OF NOWARE SHE STARTED TO SPREAD IT………..She is soo much more lesbo then me kissing girls and shit
its either teen or teen light. they basically look the same but i think its teen.
Nice video (:
Whats this font Called?
uhm…it was for a vid i was making before.but never mind.i finished doin’ it.tenks though.;)
PS:i love ur vid.:)
sureeee…. but what for?
♥ this vid. can i borrow it? i just really need it.:D
please.:)reply ASAP.;-)
me and my bestfriend are now enemies because of one person and i don’t know what to do because SHE is really obsessed with that GIRL!…i feel sad about her because all of the friends of that girl is always teasing her….PAPARAZZI…and sometimes they say to my bestfriend “hey! here’s your crush!”….it’s really a long story and in the end we became enemies.
i moved schools and left all my friends
i really miss them…i h8 my new school
no one listens to me….no one cares…
it’s good to have friends
*hug* sis I’m watching fireworks tonite and tomorrow nite! coolio!!!
that’s mine 2! coolio sis!
nice video
my fav quote is
“hug harder
laugh louder
smile bigger
love longer”
this is really good, what kind of movie maker do you make?
the only tip i have is to make it longer 😀 i liked this alot though.
i was actually hoping you could give mine a look… i feal like its going out of style a tad, and could use some suport.
thanks 🙂