Question by ♫♪♫: Friend????
My friend knows about answers and she wanted to ask a question. She wants to know what to do when your friend is really bossy, keeps ordering you around, lecturing you on everythng you do but she wants to resolve it without upsetting her. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Michelle
Tell her to sit her friend down and talk to her in a calm way. If that person is really a friend they will be understanding. If they get all p’d off, then the friendship is probably not that strong anyway. I can always tell my friend when she is acting like a biotch.
What do you think? Answer below!
tell her straight that she deserves to be treated better… esp if you call each other friends…
no point beating about bush. just do it tactfully.
That’s not a friend, that’s someone who is using you as a prop to boost her own poor feelings about herself. Don’t take it.
Honesy is the way to go, and straight talk breaks no friendship!!!
my opinion is tell her nicely that you appreciate her concern but you would like it if she would let you solve your own problems and would appreciate it if she wasn’t bossy toward you