Filipino Relationships: Spice it up!
Filipino Relationships: Spice it up!
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Home Page > Relationships > Dating > Filipino Relationships: Spice it up!
Filipino Relationships: Spice it up!
Posted: Mar 23, 2011 |Comments: 0
After years of being in the same relationship do you ever feel like things just aren’t as exciting as when you first started dating? I know I’ve definitely felt that way a time or two. So how do you get that special spark back and give your love life that jump start it so desperately needs? I don’t know about other women, but with relationships in the past, I always used to wait for my boyfriend to do something romantic when our relationship wasn’t in that honeymoon stage anymore. And when he wouldn’t I’d be upset and blame him for the relationship going sour. Then I realized that if I wanted to give my relationship that extra oomph I needed to put in some more effort and lead by example. So ladies listen up! If you want a little more romance in your life to brighten up that relationship that has become as drab as the hair you haven’t dyed in 6 months, then you need to show your guy what you both should be doing!
First off, make sure that no matter how much time you spend with your significant other that at least one of those nights is dedicated to a special date night. Yes, this may sound cliche but many couples take having a date night for granted.And make sure that no matter what you don’t allow other obligations like work to interfere with this special night because it’s the day the two of you should be focusing on each other. If you already have a date night remember to break the routine of your activity and try something new. So if you usually stay in and watch a movie together change it up and go out to the movies or better yet go see live theater or a local band play! If you are fortunate enough to spend the entire day together pick one or two activities that you both enjoy doing like going to the beach and having a picnic or riding your bikes together. Or maybe go to a sporting event that you both enjoy. The bottom line is, why wait for him to do all the work and then be upset when he doesn’t get the hint? I’m sure if you go out of your way to plan a special day for the two of you he will not only appreciate the effort but he will be more inclined to follow your lead the next time your special day comes around.
Next up, surprise him! Be spontaneous! Most women love surprises but they hardly ever plan surprises. I understand that most couples have pretty tight schedules and have to plan time to spend together, but I’m sure the time that most of us spend on Facebook each day could be better spent by doing something spontaneous and thoughtful for their significant other. For example, if your boyfriend works and he has a lunch break that coincides with yours, pack a nice lunch for the two of you and surprise him at work with a nice meal you can enjoy together. I’m sure he would appreciate the fact that he can have more time to spend with you and will also be glad that he saved money by not having to eat fast and fatty food. I guarantee that if he didn’t stop by to randomly to see you at work before that he’ll start after he sees that you took time out of your day to make him feel loved and appreciated. Men and women both like and deserve nice surprises like this! And yes men love all romantic gestures even if they don’t always admit it! So really it doesn’t take that much effort on our part as women to spice up our relationships and show our significant other that we not only want to be romanced but are willing to put in the extra effort to romance them as well!
xoxo, Lily
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