Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments

Posted on 04 October 2010 by Admin

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Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments

Are you tired of the dating game? Do you fear never finding that special someone? Don’t give up hope. Just when you begin to dream of moving to Antarctica, or making your pet your lifelong companion, Shmuley Boteach can help you experience the overwhelming rewards of making someone else happy. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Ten Commandments, he will demonstrate the timeless attraction of mystique and explain the four steps of intimacy: attraction, exploration, emotional intimacy, and p

Rating: (out of 9 reviews)

List Price: $ 19.00

Price: $ 10.94

Comments (5)

  1. Jasmine T. says:

    Review by Jasmine T. for Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments
    Mr. Boteach’s book, The Dating Secrets of the 10 Commandments caught my eye at a bookstore. I sat for a full hour and read as much as possible…and I loved it! Not only is it well-written, with a narrative and personal touch that gives the reader a sort of relationship with the author, it’s actually a helpful tool in improving your attitude on dating. Usually, I skip over the personal stories of authors in books about dating, and/or any other subject, yet I laughed aloud as I read Boteach’s thoughts and viewpoints on finding a soul-mate, especially from the Jewish perspective. If you are Jewish, this book will be probably more enjoyable for you since you can really relate to what Boteach is saying about the relationship between being Jewish and having a social life. I recommend this book even if you aren’t looking for a soulmate! It’s entertaining, interesting, and enjoyable!

  2. V. Brown says:

    Review by V. Brown for Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments
    This book is one of the best I have read – whether secular or spiritual – on relationships and intimacy. Shmuley incorporates humor into topics that are intimate and touch the soul. For those who are believers, this book really helps to focus on the analogy between our relationship with God, and our relationship with our soulmate. The principles of primacy, exclusivity, confidence, sacred moments, grtitude, compliments, mystery, sincerity, trust and contentment are simple, but often neglected. His countering of the prevailing notion of finding a “partner” vs. a “soul-mate” is one of the most salient points in the book. As he points out, a marriage should be a union like no other, and finding someone who can be a companion spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically is a pursuit worthy of our focus, care and attention. One to keep by the bedside, and read in between dates!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Review by for Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments
    I picked this book up only because of the odd juxtaposition of the two concepts in the title. It has many good tips for guiding you towards more fulfilling relationships in general, not just with your “date.” It made me appreciate and see the commandments in a whole new way. I concur with the other reviewer that there is too much schtick in the book. I enjoyed the some of the humor, and it did make certain points hit home. However after a while it got repetetive and distracting. If you can ignore the irrelevant jokes, you can find some real gems of spiritual advice for guiding your life based on the big 10. I would especially recommend this book to a guy who is looking for a meaningful relationship with a woman, perhaps leading to marriage. This answers the question, “What do women want?”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Review by for Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments
    Rabbi Boteach is both wise and funny That combination makes each of his books truly special — and is why I stop everything to read them when they come out. For those who want to be enlightened and entertained, this is the book to read.

  5. Mei-Ling says:

    Review by Mei-Ling for Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments
    Rabbi Boteach combines sensible dating advice with good, old fashioned morals, something clearly lacking from other dating books on the market. If you are looking for a quick-fix, then this is not the book for you. However, if you want to find your soulmate, and are looking for a beautiful, caring and loving relationship, then Boteach’s book is unsurpassed. I have recommended his book to all my friends who have not as yet found that special one. A must read.

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