Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man
In the dating game, how does a side step the jerks to snag a good man? Where does she learn the rules of the game so she can protect herself from unnecessary injury? Who gives her the insider tips, hints, and secrets for confidence and success that will coach her through every stage of the game, from flirting to the final goal? Finding a good man isn’t as easy as it seems, but Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man is each woman’s personal guide to the Dating Game. Play it safe by kno
Rating: (out of 3 reviews)
List Price: $ 15.99
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Review by MikeH for Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man
I have been divorced for 12 years now. Right now I am a full time Father raising my children, and do not date. Over the years I have seen many of my friends hearts broken by men and women. Had my friends had the tools given in this book, many heartaches could have been saved. If you are a guy, just read the book changing the he’s to she’s and it all works the same. When the day comes for me to begin dating, I will reread this book. Everyone who is dating should read this book….young, old, never married, divorced, or has lost their spouse. A+
Review by Brinley for Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man
Everyone girl out there who is dating NEEDS to read this book! It is amazing! It really does help you separate the good guys from the bad guys when you are dating! I would even venture to say the ones who have porn addictions or are at risk for that versus the ones that dont. THIS BOOK IS WELL WORTH THE MONEY! I recently got divorced, and everything about this book was so true….it talks about warning signs to watch for when you are dating…and all of them were there when i dated my husband! If I had read this book, I would have saved myself 3 years of pain! Take my advice and read this book!!
Review by C. Larson for Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man
After my divorce my mom recommended this book to me I laughed as I thought, “I have no problems getting men! I don’t need a book teaching me the secrets.” She kept pestering me so I finally gave in, and boy, am I glad I did! I had no problem getting men, alright. All the WRONG men!
This book was incredible and I especially enjoyed the first half, which aimed at psychology, abuse and recognizing a “bad” man when you date one. The second half was a bit slower for me, but the few chapters that spoke to me were invaluable and well worth the investment. I don’t view this as a complete “read front to back” type of book, but it serves as a great reference for where you’re at, or preparing to enter, in the dating scene.
My eyes were opened as I realized I have been in one abusive relationship after another, and at times I’ve even been the abuser. A humbling, eye-opening experience which sparked my enthusiasm for self-improvement and the importance of never settling again. I deserve the best and the best will want me. (A principle hit on again and again).
In reading this I was left with great confidence, something I didn’t realize I lacked, and I couldn’t recommend this to enough of my girlfriends! They each bought a copy and have thanked me profusely. 🙂
This time around I’ll recognize a “bad” man when I see one, appreciate the good ones, and have the courage to end a budding relationship that isn’t healthy.