Benny’s Friendship Stone Story | Friendship Gifts

Posted on 15 October 2010 by Admin

Benny Shares with us one of his many Friendship Stone Stories. This story is a beautiful story between two strangers who connected and will remember their connection through The Friendship Stone. It also reminds us the greatness of spontanteous giving. The Friendship Stone is a great and unique give back gift .

FriendShip… A gift of God.

Posted on 07 October 2010 by Admin

Some cool friendship gifts images:

FriendShip… A gift of God.
friendship gifts
Image by ~FreeBirD®~
Life away from life, Friendship knows no bounds.
Feelings and emotions go hand in hand when the friends are there for you.
You can smile and shout and you can scream, you will always find that comfort in the making of those special moments which make you tempt for the friendship you cherish the most.

This was in the worlds coldest region near the construction of home, where these kids were so happy to see someone click them . I wish If I can find them again to give them these pictures.

minty green gift of friendship
friendship gifts
Image by newwavegurly
My friend LaPea has been knitting a lot lately, and I was jokingly telling her that she needed to knit something for me. She did! I got these two beautiful hand-knitted scarves in the mail from her today… and she didn’t even tell me they were coming! She’s the bestest, isn’t she?

Friendship Day Gifts to India

Posted on 02 October 2010 by Admin

A tradition that began in the year 1935 in US has gained popularity with changing times. Friendship Day is the occasion to be with friends expressing the love for them. On this occasion, send gifts to India and and elate your friends
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Gifts of Friendship – FDR Presidential Library 1945 – Video 314 – This film records the first time that King Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Saud left his country. It was to meet with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal on February 14, 1945. In his book “FDR Meets Ibn Saud”, Colonel William Eddy, official interpreter for the meeting, suggests that Roosevelt recognized his meeting with Ibn Saud as “an outstanding success,” and assured the United States Congress: “I learned more by talking with Ibn Saud for five minutes than I could have learned in the exchange of two or three dozen letters.” Archival footage from the FDR Presidential Library.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

good friendship gifts?

Posted on 26 September 2010 by Admin

Question by christine p: good friendship gifts?
I wanted to know a good place to look for friendship gifts thats not necklaces or bracelets because its for my guy friend. i was looking for something like stuffed pandas or anything to do with cute animals. i know hes a guy but trust me loves em lol

Best answer:

Answer by Lost and Confuzzled

Add your own answer in the comments!

Friendship Gift | Connecting People

Posted on 18 September 2010 by Admin

Benny tells his story why he carries Friendship Stones in his pocket. How he connects with people – and gives his gift of friendship and The Friendship Stone.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Deciding on what gifts to give to groomsmen is the usual issue that grooms deal with. For more about Cool Groomsmen Gifts as Friendship Symbol Visit:
Video Rating: 0 / 5

The Friendship Gift for Christmas

Posted on 14 September 2010 by Admin

The Friendship Gift for Christmas

Christmas is a time when a Christmas friendship gift matters more than at any other time of year.  It is the season when friends look forward to contact with the people they love the most and a time when even the most self serving characters enjoy a lightening of spirit.  Christmas has the power to soften even the hardest disposition and makes children of us all as we gleefully unwrap gifts sent to us in loving friendship.

Some of us mourn for the days when Christmas was more about ‘doing stuff together’ than receiving expensive presents: snowball fights; family games; carol singing; hunting for pine cones for the children to paint.  Somewhere along the line over recent years, the Christmas spirit disappeared in a commercial feeding frenzy, as ruthless profiteers over-produced the kind of gifts that are fashionable and ‘must have’- big on trend, low on meaning and costing plenty.

This Christmas, so many good friends are worried about their finances and are battling to survive in a struggling economy.  This year, it is really not appropriate to spend bundles of cash on quirky, here-today-gone-tomorrow fashion gifts that say more about your bank account than your friendship.  Even supposing you can still afford to ‘splash the cash’ this year, why embarrass your friends by giving them a Christmas friendship gift they cannot reciprocate?

This year, try giving a meaningful gift that can be kept forever; a gift that be touched to remind your friend you are still around and thinking of them.  The Friendship Stone is a beautiful friendship gift, naturally tumbled with other stones, giving it a glossy and tactile surface.  No two stones are alike; as unique as your fingerprint and an environmentally friendly and thoughtful gift choice anyone would be delighted to receive.  It is versatile enough to wear as a necklace, carry in your pocket or purse or use as a desk stone.

The Friendship Stone is a Christmas friendship gift that provides tangible help for others: Ten per cent of profits generated through The Friendship Stone sales go to Project South Africa, to improve the lives of the villages from where the stones originate.  Twenty per cent of net sales from The Friendship Stone website goes to the non-profit organization ‘Big Brothers Big Sisters’.

The Friendship Stone is big in the playground this year as a Christmas friendship gift for kids, in a friendship pack that includes two stones for friends to share or exchange and can also be ordered on a leather necklace to guarantee against loss for little kids who might mislay a loose stone.

At Christmas, the message of friendship is more important than at any other time of year but so many of us get it all wrong.  Get it right this time and try showing your friends how much they mean to you by giving them a gift that symbolises your friendship and affection; a Friendship Stone to bring friends close together even when they are far apart.

Born in Florida, Cathy grew up in Columbus, Georgia. She graduated with a BA Honors in Journalism from the University of Texas, where the emphasis of her studies was in photojournalism. After studying commercial photography at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Cathy moved abroad to Israel where she has been for the past 23 years. Prior to forming My Stone Company in 2005, Cathy specialized in food and portrait photography.

The Friendship Stone Friendship Gift links friends and promotes friendships everywhere, stone by stone.

Making and Impression With Friendship Gifts

Posted on 05 September 2010 by Admin

Making and Impression With Friendship Gifts

When you really have a close friend, you look for many ways in which you can appreciate them. One of the best ways to really say that you appreciate the friends in your life is through friendship gifts. Gifts have been used for a very long time to say that you love someone. Gifts do not have to be expensive for them to make an impact. Unlike what many think, gifts just need to come from deep inspiration and whatever you choose to give to your friend, it will make the point. Friendship gifts are also used to apologize. Friendships are far from perfect and there will come a time when you have to say that you are sorry for a certain deed. It is a good time to look for a gift that will seek to help you get that forgiveness. Gifts for friends are also given out when there are special occasions. For example, if your friend is getting married, you will strive to look for the best gift to congratulate them for the achievement. Also, for people who have just had children, gifts will help welcome the new arrival into the world.

Friendship gifts will have may uses and when you are giving them out, you really need to put a thought into it. This is because you want to achieve the impact that you desire. We all want our friends to praise us for the good gifts we give them. Many have the notion that a gift will not matter provided it is from the heart. This may be both true and not true. When you are deciding on a gift, you need to go an extra mile to present it in the best way that you can. For example, many do not pay close attention to the packaging of a gift. You might have an extra ordinary gift but you simply make it unattractive and therefore losing that first impression. Another person might have a very simple gift which has been packaged in a beautiful and inviting way. You need to strive for a good presentation and package of all your gifts. Money will play a little role in ensuring you give the perfect friendship gifts.

This is because you just need basic material to achieve what you want when packing your gift. When it comes to money for buying the friendship gifts, each case will vary. You can give some kind of present regardless whether you have money or you are broke. However, when you have money, you will feel more satisfied because you will get what you desire. It is vital for you to know where to draw the line. You should look for ways in which you can personalize the presents. Adding a personal touch will give that extra magic that will see your gift dazzle your friend. Know what your friends love and this will be the key to delivering the best gifts possible. Remember, when you do this, you will make your friends go that extra mile when it comes to giving you presents.

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Choose a friendship gift from the that is as beautiful, distinctive and irreplaceable as the people that comprise your life. The Friendship Stone is designed to be held, kept, carried around or displayed prominently as a constant reminder of the strong bond of friendship and love between two people. The Friendship Stones are meant to be shared amongst friends as a symbol of their inner beauty and uniqueness. Like the rays of light which shine on the stone reflecting exquisite Chatoyant colors, each of us has a beautiful light emanating inside us. Let the changing hews be a strong symbol, for your friends and loved ones, of the power of positive thinking and their ability to control and change their own destiny.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

More Friendship Gifts Articles

Friendship Success

Posted on 17 August 2010 by Admin

Friendship Success
Created by World Renowned Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Friendship Success is Designed to Help You Create Lasting Friendships. This is an Audio Program Consisting of 4 Modules and a Self Hypnosis Session.
Friendship Success