Bhalessa: Insurgency, Love, Friendship beyond communal boundaries
Bhalessa: Insurgency, Love, Friendship beyond communal boundaries
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Home Page > News and Society > Culture > Bhalessa: Insurgency, Love, Friendship beyond communal boundaries
Bhalessa: Insurgency, Love, Friendship beyond communal boundaries
Posted: Oct 23, 2009 |Comments: 0
By Sadaket Malik
Gone are the days when area like of Bhalessa witnessed a sharp polarization. There was a termoil in every sphere, the area offshooting high touching the boundaries of himachal pradesh is a real example of living with brotherhood in the town.
Historically, relations between Hindus and Muslims here have been fairly cordial. Many of Gandoh’s Muslims are descendants of converts from various local castes, although a sizeable number are also ethnic Kashmiris. In most cases, it is virtually impossible to distinguish local Hindus from Muslims from their facial features, although sometimes it is possible through their dress, as in the case of Muslims associated with the Deobandi-inspired Tablighi Jamaat (a relatively new phenomenon), with their distinct way of wearing their shalwars above their ankles, their long, bushy beards and their shaven moustaches. In terms of economic conditions, too, Hindus and Muslims appear, on the whole, roughly equally poor, Gandoh being one of the most ‘backward’ parts of Doda. Most people here earn their livelihood through animal husbandry and tilling tiny patches of terraced land up in the mountains and in the narrow valleys between them.
The good news is that the area’s Aman committee is a joint revolt of hindu and muslim, both the communities continue to live togather in the same villages bearing the occasional incidents. During the termoil both hindu’s and muslims were killed mercilessly by the army man and the insurgents. Besides the petty movements of the chavanists and Fundamentalist leaders prepetuated in a full swing, the people seemed out of their vested interests. The area which was know and is and will always be known for the traditional communal harmony is a lesson that otherareas should emulate.
The area witnessed a bloodshed due to atrocities committed by the insurgents and indian soldiers was not a new concept in Bhalessa. Killing spread with a mass scale, wemen were raped, innocent children and women were killed, Local youth and elderly were harrased. But what happened in the area of hindu muslim amity, the only thing that was sharing of a single dinner, single bottle of waterfor their survival.
There were of course several forces at work that maintain the old age tadition of living togather. One of such forces was Haji Sahib of Bhatyas, who has taught for over four decades in various government schools in Bhalessa and was now running the one of the area’s few private schools. In this relatively inaccessible and impoverished part of Jammu and Kashmir, The school is till the tenth grade and is affiliated to the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education. Most of the roughly 1000 students come from poor families, and the fees are relatively low. Numerous very poor children receive education free of cost. The school has a number of Hindu students, and almost a tenth of its teachers are Hindus, the rest being Muslims. In addition to the school, Haji Sahib has set up a madrasa, the Jamia Ganiatul Ulum, which has some fifty students training to become ulama or Islamic clerics. Most of these children are from impoverished families, and in the madrasa they receive free education, boarding and lodging as well as the possibility of a job as a religious specialist once they graduate.
To protest the deadly massacre of more than two dozen Hindus in Kulhand, a hamlet near Doda. Jammu town observed a complete shut-down. That very morning the a student of Bhalessa in Jammu University, had to appear for an important examination. He assumed that because of the strike the examination had been postponed. In the afternoon, he rang up a Hindu friend of his, who told him, to his shock, that the examination was actually on schedule and that he had just entered the examination hall. No vehicles were plying in the streets that day and he had no way out to reach the university. However, his friend magnanimously rushed out of the examination hall and sped on his motorcycle all the way to his house and picked him. They arrived in the examination hall just in time to write their paper. The grandfather of the muslim counterpart revealed that he had sent an appeal to the Chief Minister to announce a reward to his grandson’s Hindu friend for having served as a model of communal harmony.
Sadaket Malik is an Independent Citizen Journalist besed in Bhalessa, His articles are published in six countries. He can be contacted at
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Sadaket Malik is a freelance columnist based in Bhalessa
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peace, kashmir conflict, kashmir dispute, india, article 370, hindus, muslims, harmony
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Sadaket Malik is a freelance columnist based in Bhalessa