Ask A Black Man – Episode 2: Dating

Posted on 11 January 2013 by Admin

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MadameNoire’s first talk show “Ask A Black Man” episode 2. The Dating Episode WATCH MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE: SUBSCRIBE! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: VISIT OUR SITE:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

We imported a Japanese Wii, brought in a translator, asked a girl for advice, and we still can’t figure out this game. See our videos a month earlier at and follow us on http

Comments (49)

  1. Gwendoline Taylor says:

    Black women better get their shit together.
    Once you’ve moved in, and routine sets in, he’ll
    be comparing you with singles out there, like forever.

  2. TheBabadogo says:

    When he went like “Did you really ask me that?!” I thought he was gonna play it patriotic…! Shock on me 😛

  3. PatsBooks says:

    The older male talks with the most sense and maturity. The other males appear and act like big boys, very immature.

  4. BWDivaLove says:

    You’re right but not at my expense and happiness. I think people should love who loves you but FIRST learn to love and respect yourself. I’m loyal to God FIRST and than myself. Just b/c we look alike and share the same history, doesn’t mean I have to be loyal to BM or the Black community. However, I do RESPECT ALL CULTURES & RACE OF PEOPLE by showing love to those who show love to me.

  5. luvher04 says:

    Black men and women were once loyal and connected than now.The black community was once a strong unit and still is but not as it once was.Black men and women saved and guided each other through adversities throughout history.They died for each other and with each other for black love, freedom and so much more. Black men and women have dropped the ball.A lot of black women lost respect for them self and a lot brothers do not have a clue and both are unconscious.We need to regain our identity

  6. Hisfavor1 says:

    As a Young black man in mid 20’s the only guy that seemed mature and respectful of women was the 43 year old man, and was very wise.

  7. Tommy455ify says:

    HAHA! LOL @ B.E.T That why most Africa American women are like the black dark bold man on the far Right with Gray sleeve shirt. LOL black killing themselves by not obey the word of God in The Holy Bible! Most black church are about Prosperity and not the will of God.

  8. Nimara Millson says:

    Jeff’s a pussy.

    Duvall seems unsure about himself, but may have good intentions.

    That one on the end…annoying.

    Demetrius a real MAN.

  9. Nimara Millson says:

    “I like a challenge”

    Demetrius…you’re a MAN. The rest are little boys.

  10. marly fleurival says:

    i agree 1000%. the 28 year old needs to take a seat OFF set

  11. disean38 says:

    Lol everybody has a preference too what they like!! If you can’t get a man then obviously you don’t want one ladies In fellas read this closely you keep! Doing the same thing your gonna keep getting the same thing period up ur standards in lower the attitude see how things can change

  12. MsCutefenix says:

    SOME females want a “bad boy” that’s gonna be good just or them.

  13. darealniecyrite says:

    homeboy in the gray button down think hes just god gift to the earth. Cut it out.

  14. BWDivaLove says:

    PatsBooks, I know the truth hurts. If BM are so great than why is the Black community & families in such bad shape? You guest it, poor leadership from BM:) Expand your dating & marrying options BW. BW R too LOYAL; loyalty to a fault. BW always end up with the short end of the stick. scarficing their happiness, wealth, education, opportunities to live a better life, etc, all in the name of “Black Love & LOYALITY”. BM have NEVER BEEN loyal to BW or the Black community.

  15. PatsBooks says:

    Coming from a Black. Your last sentence is a complex lie.

  16. David Jones says:

    There somethings women should not know bout us guys. And these bothers are given out to much info.

  17. cndyjean says:


  18. BWDivaLove says:

    Interesting contrast between their choice: Beyonce and Michelle but this is sounds about right with BM because MANY OF THEM (NOT ALL) are stuck on skin color when is said. This is why I always tell every female I meet (young & old), TO PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, AND THAN LOVE WHO LOVES YOU BY EXPANDING YOUR DATING AND MARRYING OPTIONS. Everyone in the world already know that BM (NOT ALL) do not make good husbands and fathers.

  19. lilbusrider says:

    omg he is he sounds like a retarded mule

  20. MsMommysGal says:

    can you PLEEEEEASE bring these episodes back! 🙂

  21. bobby lusster says:

    the older guy is way wiser than the rest

  22. Kharisma Brown says:

    Women with low self esttem want dudes that disrespect and dogs them.

  23. Anzetseify says:

    I like the 43 year old, he’s wassup but the 28 yr old is hella immature man and needs to shut up.

  24. Deborrah Cooper says:

    What is so amazing she didnt catch or challenge them on the mess they were talking about men wanting to be with a woman based on attraction and its 5000 on a 1-10 and how they can stay with a woman that is mean or ugly if the bedroom is all that. But when they were talking about how women want a dude that isn’t so great or good men they want men that treat them like garbage and have bad credit. Why is it that they can pick a woman that turns them on but a woman doesn’t have the same right?

  25. Ithamar Ramos says:

    That remember when I did the exactly the same thing.
    A friend who knows japanese used to bring those games and translate for a bunch of doing jokes.
    It was the best game partys I have.

  26. Mirko Allemeersch says:

    The families of all those who watched this with headphones: my condolences.
    As for me, I only woke up the entire neighbourhood.

  27. ballz87deep says:

    Pat has moose knuckle

  28. Rafa Moon says:

    My sister found a non-spammy review site to be looked at before even considering to pick up any systems related to getting dates and then relationships. Go to ProductReviews-Dating (a dot com site). One thing they thought was great was …….well, I will let you decide for yourself. Every one is different, and they have things for both men and women.

  29. YayItsScarlett says:

    I would pay, 500 dollars to Collegehumor for the bleep bloop outtakes of this episode, haha.

  30. arialdeath says:

    watch with captions XD

  31. nicodemos91 says:

    Jeff, “I wish I could hold down the ‘A’ button when talking to girls in real life” hilarious!

  32. Shonki91 says:

    sarah is a dirty dirty girl

  33. dudedan53 says:

    it’s a ruffle in his pants -_-

  34. Haitherecoolbeanyman says:

    Pathetic and deprived culture? For you to be so racist/ignorant and saying that to a whole country you must be pretty pathetic and deprived yourself.

  35. Itsnotreallyrelivant says:

    “If only I could hold down the A button when talking to real girls.” hahaha genius

  36. BurntRussianHD says:

    I was too busy looking at the beautiful Sarah to worry about his penis.

  37. Sav3TheWorld says:

    Japan has a pathetic and deprived culture…what a surprise -_-

  38. JamesWrigglesworth says:

    Sarah’s laugh at the end was priceless.

  39. Katan Barbukin says:

    Patrick looks very cute in this episode.

  40. observationhole says:

    Wow Streeter got in shape

  41. smittywubermenjugger says:

    Notice how jeff has a boner in the end of the video 0.o

  42. P Wrangler says:

    Nigga Tori

  43. zerolelouch22 says:


  44. gastrozimirvox says:

    i want pats big cock in my ass

  45. emma wells says:

    what the fuck possessed you to say that

  46. darktoto95 says:

    well i, was looking at Sarah the entire video. Who are the others? What is the video talking about?

  47. tommyguns1337 says:

    Of course guys want to level up faster! Girls can get multiple levels in one encounter, it just isn’t fair.

  48. chrisambro89 says:

    Sarar’s fucking hot. *_*

  49. CalamityJG says:

    It’s a good thing i decided to watch the video first before scrolling down and reading your comment.

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