Osho, a contemporary mystic has spoken on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed down to the smallest wrinkle. — From the series: The Golden Future — In this talk Osho speaks about the “Hara”, one of the seven energy centers of the body and energy moving upwards in a process of development of consciousness. He also addresses the need to be centered. — “The word “Hara” is Japanese; that’s why in Japan, suicide is called Hara-Kiri. The center is just two inches below the navel. It is very important, and almost everybody in the world has felt it. But only in Japan have they gone deeper into its implications. Even the people in India, who had worked tremendously hard on centers, had not considered the Hara.” — This video is available for translation as part of the ‘OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project’. Join the project as a translator at: www.oshotalks.info — OSHO International Foundation — http
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