Video Rating: 4 / 5
Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross, Dionne Warwick and Stevie Wonder perform That’s What Friends Are For!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross, Dionne Warwick and Stevie Wonder perform That’s What Friends Are For!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
yaarum illa mama 😉
i wish that my friend was tamil
naban irakkan is way better
yen frenda poleh yaaru macha……. SOLLUNGADA MACHA PLZZZZ?
very2 super’b songs…. n harris jayaraj fantastic man?
fantastic song and movie
this is reality
favourite tamil song
Friendzzzzzzzzzzz rockzzzzzzzzzzzzz
the lyrics are a little slow!! Sorry!!
super song…
Touching songs
remind me about my fwenz..
en friendu pola yaaru machan! <3
srikanth look like arya in this bit lol…..
i love this song make me feel and i miss mii frds ;(
Hats Off ! Nanbendaaa !
awesome song
Music royalty. It doesn’t get anymore iconic and legendary than this. Notice how artist of the past sound the exact same live as they do on their album if not better. I love it. RIP Whitney and Luther.
Wouldn’t Whitney and Luther of made the most AMAZING couple
True talent on that stage right there!!! The 11 dislikes must be justin bieber fans!
This is the very best Music, I Love Soul and Jazz and Funky Musik. Im a White man. Black Music is the best…………. R.I.P. Luther and Whitney beautyfull singers. Im come from Germay and my English is very bad sorry^^ I say thank you to my Lord Jesus Christ, I Love him day by day more and more again. YEaR !!! This Song not Forget…………… Praise the Lord !!! Und an alle meine Deutschen Landsleute, möchte ich mich auch noch wenden und sagen: Ich Liebe Deutsche Land^^ lol in diesem Sinn.
RIP Luther Vandross and Whitney Houston, two of the greatest singers who ever lived, gone but not forgotten.
I love this so much. I miss u Whitney and Luther!!!!
R.I.P Whitney
Awesome performance!!! No one is trying to upstage the other. True talent.
Testy now, aren’t we? Luther and Whitney were younger and had more relevant music than Stevie and Dionne do now. I don’t care if you agree. Go take a basic grammar course and spare us of your terrible English. LOL.
Que bárbaros, pero que voces tan bellas!!
Luther Vandross! <3
My ears honestly weren’t prepared for this amount of talent. I’m BLOWN away.
If only whitney listened to her real friends who cared for her like her mum…RIP Whitters…I always loved you…I will see you again soon…
Pra mim a melhor musica do mundo nas melhores vozes !!!!!!!!!!!!Perfeito!!!!!!!!!!
Literally a visual account of what’s happening. 2 of a generations voices extinguished. One possibly the most powerful of all time. Shields up red alert we are under attack
R.I.P Whitney you’re going to be missed
all greats absolute legends
Amazing performance.Probably,four of the best voices of all time…God bless them.
amazing. thank you for posting. folks do not sing like this anymore. and somewhere in Heaven…luther and whitney (and MJ) are just singing and singing. music…a gift from God. thank you.
Sensacional! Obrigado mesmo por compartilhar esse momento!
Not today!