How do I explain to my old best friend that I have a new best friend?

Posted on 02 December 2012 by Admin

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Question by Jesus_is_Lord: How do I explain to my old best friend that I have a new best friend?
I have a wide circle of friends and one friend I have been particularly close to for about seven years. Recently, a lady who joined my church became a very close friend as well. She and I hit it off really well and I think she and I have become better, closer friends than my best friend of seven years. So, how do I explain to my old best friend that I have a new best friend? Or is it necessary to explain it to her at all? Can you have more than one “best friend”? In a way, I feel like I am betraying my best friend of seven years because I always made a big deal out of her being my best friend, but my new best friend and I see each other every week. Should I feel this way? Am I making too big a deal out of it?

Someone’s answer:

Answer by Daph
It is hard when your having friend issues. Don’t come right out and say something like i replaced you, just when church or friends come up, mention your new friend and say you really like her. If your old friend becomes offended, start the convo up again with a memory you share with her.

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Comments (3)

  1. Animal Lover13 says:

    it is very hard to get through something like this so I would say no you are not making a big deal.
    I am going though the same
    I switched schools but live in the same area I met new friends and have grown away from my friend (I have known my friend since I was born) I am having troubles too but I guess we both have to just tell them

    dont hesitate and just tell her

  2. Dracula says:

    Be bestfriends with two people, and treat them both like your bestfriends. Its alright to share around the love. Continue being close bestfriends with your friend of seven years, and build up your new friendship with the other.
    To tell an ‘old’ bestfriend you have a new one, would be painful! And it cant be all that truthful, considering you probably, in my own thoughts, still withold friendly feelings towards him/her….

  3. Ayanna says:

    Its totally normal. You shouldn’t worry about it just let everything play out.
    but you shouldn’t take your old friend for granted because they been there for you way longer, but its not surprising that you found a new friend and yes you can have more then one friend. You should introduce them to each other and you all should hang out more often. It only becomes a problem if you can’t be best friends to two people.

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