Q&A: How does your relationship with your father affect who you are interested in?

Posted on 05 July 2012 by Admin

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Question by Panda.Bear213: How does your relationship with your father affect who you are interested in?
I once heard that your relationship with your father affects who you are interested in. That if you have a bad relationship with your father, you will have an odd taste in potential boyfriends/husbands. Is this true? And if so, how does your relationship with your father affect who you are interested in?

Someone’s answer:

Answer by ferochira
As you say that depends on the type of father “and” the way a child thinks of him but more so what she thinks of or views herself. Many do pick men like their fathers, good or bad, some carry a hated for a father, his behaviour and often swing in the total opposite direction which is not good either, one has to be able to see past the anger, hated, etc.
Hatred is all consuming, it does not allow one to see past it, or think normally, it devours the whole person, all the good, that comes their way, it destorts the truth.
Those who choose abusive men or louses like their father are doing so because it is all they know plus it is a way to gain the love they never got from him but they can’t see it, if it’s all they know then that is what they will choose most often as they have grown to believe that is all their worth and/or they aren’t good enough to get anything better.These things are installed in the young child and grow with them getting larger as they grow, becomes as natural as breathing, have you ever tryed to change the way you breath permanently??
Most young children who get dragged into such a relationship more often than not, won’t admit to themselves what he is really like, they do not want to see that, they would rather pretend otherwise and should he die, they make a saint, so to speak, out of him, and in all cases will do anything to protect and believe that fantasy, which is a lot easier when he is not around.
Remember children learn what the live, long before they are old enough to learn what we teach. Perfect but shocking examples are results of new studies on infants and infancy.

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