www.datingexpert.tv — The three little secrets that can dramatically improve your dating odds. Dating Expert Lisa Daily, bestselling author of two dating books, STOP GETTING DUMPED! and HOW TO DATE LIKE A GROWN-UP tells you what you need to know to meet someone great on your next girls’ night out. Step 1: Wear pink Step 2: Smell like food Step 3: Stand at the corner in the bar What Your Favorite Drink Says About Your Dating Style: www.youtube.com 5 Signs Youre About to Get Dumped: www.youtube.com How to Break Up: www.youtube.com Things you should never say to a man: lisadaily.com Read more from Lisa on topics like this & others on love, cheating, relationships or dating advice at www.datingexpert.tv www.datingexpert.tv
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Go to: www.datingsecretsfordivorcedwomen.com Hi I’m Suzy Weiss, you may have seen me on Dating Secrets For Divorced Women dot Com or read one of my dating tips where I share important Dating advice with Divorced Women who want to how to get started dating again. I recently got an email from Linda who lives in Florida. Well, this is a common question often asked by women who are re-entering the dating scene. The key here is you need to learn how to keep a man interested. So let’s get right into it. Men are putty in the hands of women who understand what we call “the thrill of the chase”. To better understand this concept, answer this question. Why does the greyhound chase the rabbit at the dog races? That’s right it’s the thrill of the chase. Well ladies, just between you and me men are no different then the Greyhounds when it comes to the thrill of the chase. Except for men it is on a physiological level Now before you take up jogging around a race track let’s see how this works in the dating world. The chase itself has a lot of guy behaviors built into it. Like the competitive nature of men. The attraction also has a number of things that are universally intriguing to the male like mystery and adventure. Men are most intrigued when a woman does not appear to be totally accessible. So when she seems elusive, mysterious, and unattainable the male is inspired to win her over. That’s the thrill of the chase in the dating game. Ok, before we move on let me address those of …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wow this is really terrible advice.
Wearing pink only works for vanilla men. It doesn’t work for more sophisticated men. I personally like black, gray, and red.
And smelling right? Oh please. Men do not give a shit how you smell. In fact, you may actually attract men by smelling BAD.
wear pink? i don’t think so
And this is bullshit us men like when women are hot this bullshit in this video is straight bullshit!
@Greekpride1231 yes, there is. Alpha males have always existed it’s biological…..morron
that corner statistic sounds like bullshit to me
Hey i love this video and i belong to a free networking website where i meet a lot of guys and girls. It’s called Socialbugg – my name is Ciara and i’m single if you want to
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fabulous video – really love it!
@sarabower1 There is no such thing as Alpha male you idiot. Pop-psychology is CRAP
Meh i am a man and most of these suggestions would never work on me
@SouthsideofGlasgow oh yes one girl one cup style except in a diaper.
So I will call it one blonde one diaper. Care to join in my lovely?Then I want you to do the same in the diaper
( My mom must have dropped me on my head as a kid lol)
I like the sound of one blink one diaper. kind of has a nice ring to it, don’t you agree baby doll?
@SouthsideofGlasgow Is this a joke hun?
its lil diapers.
Oh are you quoting that other bam who wrote the same thing.
You’re so funny call me lates k
@SouthsideofGlasgow Is this a joke hun?
its lil diapers.
Oh are you quoting that other bam who wrote the same thing
@sarabower1 Cool ! You and I think a lot alike . I can see we would get along “beautifully”. (smile)
If you’re a big fat slob you will never attract an alpha male. I don’t care what you do for a living, what you smell like, how you dress.
Get you’re fat ass to the gym
@nicktesla45 I TOTALLY AGREE. To be honest I judge how much a guy is “worth” is by the kind of women he has dated. For example if I found out a guy I liked dated a big fat broad like the one on this video I would have a lower opinion of him and wouldn’t give him the time of day.
I wear what I want, smell the way I want and treat most men like fucking dog meat and I still have tonnes of guys chase me. Why> Because I’m pretty, have a great body, have confidence and have my own life.
I heard “Smell like poo” T~T
a bar? really?
if you smell like cum, guys will cum after you…..lol
A lot of woman suck in bed. Stop being lazy, let him fuck the shit outta u… O and like I said , suck that cock. He needs to return the favor though but ladies stay fresh down there. If u can take a shower or wash your kitty off b4 sex!!! Trust me!!! Guys love it!!
A lot of woman suck in bed. Stop being lazy, let him fuck the shit outta u… O and like I said , suck that cock. He needs to return the favor though but ladies stay fresh down there. If u can take a shower or wash your kitty off b4 sex!!! Trust me!!! Guys love it!!
Are all you girls falling for all this Bullshit from Miss Piggy here? Ha ha ha ha Give me a break Fat Mama! A GOOD LOOKING MAN like me does NOT give a damn if you wear Pink or blue or whatever! or if you smell like vanilla or whatever! If you are as FAT as LisaDaily you will still NOT get a date with me! TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR APPEARANCE AND LOSE WEIGH MORONS ! JOIN A GYM ALL YOU FAT AMERICAN WOMEN ! THIS IS WHY MEN ARE MARRYING FOREIGN WOMEN MORE THAN EVER !
what if you dont like pink?
but i am sick of pink!!! GRRr always with pink….
What if you aren’t the pink type of girl? I don’t like pink, never wear it. Don’t smell like food, it’s rare for me to put anything like that on me. I have a boyfriend without that stuff for almost a year now!!!
Also, think mannerisms. Sit up straight and tall, chin up, smile as much as you can possible force yourself, but don’t look forced. Look around, make eye contact. Look at a guy or in his general direction is like giving a green light. Open the eyes or lift eyebrows, so you look less like you are frowning. And don’t talk to damn much! Don’t use the word “NO” so much. Say maybe, I don’t know, but watch the No’s. Sweep the hair back if you have long hair, don’t let it cover you face too much.
You can add a few things. Always, strappy high heels. Men love how they make a woman look Wear very soft or even flimsy dresses, not to long; gotta see some leg. Cleavage is a given. Not too much jewelry; maybe a chain and bracelet. Not a stack of bracelets jingling or a bunch of rings; it’s distracting and trashy. And thumb rings are juvenile! No dark or black nail polish or lipstick or makeup – what the hell are some of you women thinking! Only hair can be dark. Think light, petite, elegant.
I’d tap that
this is sad….
this is so rong
@eatabrownie omfg i’m 19. idk why i’m watching this either -____-
It would take less time to go buy a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine than to type the website address for this same advice.
This is interesting…..
@FORUMKR3W ryan am i gonna have to kick your ass
@FORUMKR3W It was worth it!
Josh Moore:610-906-5429, just call him it’s worth it.
i agree with rpshitface over here this is bullshit ya cunt fucking asshole
Im a guy fuck this shit if your mysterious guys are lazy fuck that shit this bitch is on crack. Like what the fuck is up with the dogs chasing the rabbits fuck that.
LMFAO eatabrownie,
I was thinking the exact same thing except I’m seventeen. XD
@dennisrayso I disagree. She should take out her false teeth and give him a gum job on his knob then he wipes his dick on her pillow and then leaves.
I’m sixteen, why the fuck am I watching this?
Find a playful chick make it tonight benaughtyman.info
Take your cloth off and suck on one of you tits and buy him a kangaroo t shirt.
Great advice. I hate game playing but I want to find the right guy and will pretty much try any reasonable suggestion. I do believe men like a woman who listens to him and always try to do that. But if I am not going to sleep with him, why did I spend all that monney on the good underwear??
Great video post, Suzy! It’s really true what you said about not sleeping on your first date. I think this should be a covenant. Your Thrill of Chase series have shed some light on what I need to do. Thanks a lot! 🙂
it`s true!!!
Why are the easily gone?
Im not on the attractive type of women but easy to get with, And I am seeing men recently after I got divorced..
I`m shocked of what i`ve discovered of where I went wrong. Thrill of Chase has my solution…..
I will wait for the next part of this video.. so keep me posted Suzy!!! 🙂