Question by *Violet*: How can my friend and I convince our other friend to be a granny with us for Halloween?
My two friends and I are going trick-or-treating this year together and one of my friends and I want to go as old ladies. We think it will be hilarious. But our other friend is stubborn and all about appearance and she said she won’t. How can we convince her? Please help.
Best answer:
Answer by Spiderpig
First off, ask her why she doesn’t want to dress up as an old lady.
Second, address that issue. If its about her being “ugly” just tell her that it is halloween and nobody is going to care how you look.
But really, you need to know what the problem is to address it. Ask her why she would go as a (insert what she wanted to go as) and not a granny. Tell her that (what she wanted to go as) is worse then a granny.
– If shes a princess or a queen i’d say people would think your stuck up
– If shes a monseter just bring up the appearence issue.
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