Check out these friendship gifts images:
Friendship Bell plaque

Image by ax2groin
The friendship bell, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, was presented as a gift from the people of the Republic of Korea to the people of the United States of America on the occasion of the American Bicentennial Jubilee to further the friendship and trust between the two nations.
Cast with an alloy of tin, copper, gold, silver, and phosphorus, the bell reflects the distinct characteristics and beauty of traditional Korean bells.
The knob o the bell comprises a dragon-shaped figure and a sound pipe. On the outer circumference of the bell are four pairs of goddesses carved in relief to symbolize the spirits of freedom, independence, peace and prosperity in each of the two countries. Ornate bands of the rose of Sharon, the national flower of Korea, decorate in relief the shoulder and rim of the bell. The bell measures 3.63 meters in height with a circumference of 7.25 meters. It weighs 17 metric tons.
The bell pavilion, constructed in traditionally Korean architectural style with a blue-tiled roof, is painted in a unique coloring pattern, which is known in Korea as "????."
It is the hope of the Korean people that the friendship bell will forever sound the continued prosperity of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea, together with the enduring friendship of the two nations, which is sealed by a mutual faith in freedom and independence.
July 4, 1976
Spidey for The Wart

Image by DancesWithFlowers
The Sea Witch included a Spidey book for my son, as well as a silhouette of his hero that she cut out of foam for my son’s bedroom window!
Friendship is Magic.

Image by antlercat art ♥
My friend Sarah drew these three Friendship is Magic style My Little Ponies for myself, our friend Gillian, and herself!
I’m the blue unicorn!