Question by Jessica: How do you block a friend from suggesting friends on Facebook?
I don’t want a bazillion Facebook friends. If someone wants to find me on Facebook, they will or they’ll ask me. If I want to find someone on Facebook, I will or I’ll ask them. I don’t want friends to suggest friends for me or have them suggest me as a friend to other people.
How do I stop this from happening? I couldn’t find anything in a Google search or in FB’s help center.
Best answer:
Answer by address man
I never found a way to do it either, which is one of the reasons that I got rid of Facebook. Then, they changed the policy so that I could be seen on all my friends’ friend lists, which I didn’t want. Just get rid of it; it’s such a waste of time.
I love the fact that you use the word “bazillion”, which of course is not a real number. You’re right, however.
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