Question by teresa S: How can my friend get rid of a free spy ware?
My friend got a popup that wanted to run a free spyware and virus check so, my friend did this and now it said, my friend has a trogen virus and it want’s my friend to pay .99 to get it off the computer and my friend has Norton and System macanic 7 and ran both and they both say no viruses deteced and that everything is running good. This thing won’t let my friend go online and it won’t let my friend make it go away. How can my friend make it go away. My friend doesn’t need spyware protection or virus protection, my friend already has it with Norton and System mechanic 7. How can my friend get rid of this thing so, my friend can use the computer again?
Best answer:
Answer by punchyou_withmyfoot
your friend just walked into a scam….editing
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