Check out these friend images:
“Friends aren’t jumper cables… you don’t throw them into the trunk and pull them out for emergencies” ~

Image by turtlemom4bacon
Thank you Peggy for the truly unexpected but awesome Testimonial you wrote!!!!
We have been friends for years and have always enjoyed her friendship and photos!
This is a Tropicana Rose from Leu Gardens ~
Rosa hybrid
Hybrid Tea, introduced in 1962
Royal National Rose Society Gold Medal in 1960
Portland Gold Medal in 1961
All-American Rose Selection (AARS) in 1963
American Rose Society Gold Medal in 1967
[ (unnamed seedling x ‘Peace’ x (unnamed seedling x ‘Alpine Glow’) ]
20091101 – TouchGraph friend graph (normal)

Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Used a Facebook application to generate these graphs of my friends. I added a few text labels myself in photoshop.
Somehow, it guesses at who is closer to you, and puts them physically closer to you. Possibly by how many mutual friends you have. For example, I know Christie better than most SubGenii, and she has met some of my non-SubGenii friends, and so the appliation put her closer to me on this graph than the rest of the SubGenii. The best example is that Carolyn is practically overlapping me — I didn’t tell it to do this.
Of course, a lot of people in close proximity to me are actually people I haven’t spoken to in awhile, so its not entirely accurate. I’m still not entirely sure as to what the color-coding signifies, but green definitely means SubGenius, yellow tends to mean high-school-related contact, and orange tends to be, most ofthe time, people I know who use LiveJournal (for some strange reason), and people I met through them. But there are exceptions to all of this.
Still, quite a neat graph.
These really work better when posted on FlickR, where you can zoom in to full size, than they do on Facebook, where you can’t even zoom in enough to read peoples’ names.
Touchgraph graph, chart, friend chart, friend graph, friends.
November 1, 2009.
… Read my blog at
three friends / tres amics / tres amigos

Image by Ferran.
I found these three old friends at the old town of Plovdiv.
Perdoneu, no res mes que una mostra de fotobasura… se que es lleig fotografiar la gent que conversa pel carrer, i ficar-se així en les seves vides, però no m’he pogut estar…
Perdonen, no es mas que una muestra de fotobasura… se que es feo de fotografiar la gente que va hablando por la calle, entrando así en sus vidas y sin su permiso, pero no he sabido resisitir….