A few nice love friendship images I found:
Thank You

Image by drp
For your comments. For your prayers. For your warm wishes and positive energy. For your donations. For your friendship. For your love.
Thank you.
Flickr isn’t just a forum for artistic expression. I have come to learn very quickly and deeply that this place is a community based in generosity and compassion and unselfish support.
I never realized just how many of you truly cared – even those who I hardly had the chance to know personally here. I think we all have this way of taking others for granted, especially in cyberspace. We forget there is a living, breathing soul behind those icons and type on the screen. Well, you have all made yourselves very "real" to me in a most amazing way. Your letters of concern have been overwhelming to my humble heart. When one suffers from depression and anxiety, it is hard to become motivated, but your words and deeds have lifted me up and inspired me to forge ahead. For that I will be eternally grateful.
I have yet to photograph/catalog my possessions for sale and auction, as my father has been sick with the flu and required my attention. So, I still have much to do. This whole experience of "purging the negative" has been quite draining, to say the least. What lies ahead will be a daunting task indeed, but it is a necessary one in reaching a place of financial and spiritual release.
I will "keep in touch" with you all here as situations change and develop for Jolene and I: www.flickr.com/groups/friends-of-drp/
I did not start the group, and honestly I don’t feel I am deserving of such a tribute, but who am I to turn down a genuine gift of love?
I’ll be back in full as soon as I can.
Take care of each other, and yourselves.
– Duane (drp)
PS – Click this link if you wish to e-mail me directly, as I will not always check in here for messages.
The original letter: www.spacecatdesign.com/flickr.html
do what you love,

Image by ashley rose,
love what you do.
two of my best friends gave me this for my birthdaay,

Image by dvux
mal n netten gruß für eine bestimmte Person 😉