Some cool friendship gifts images:
FriendShip… A gift of God.
Image by ~FreeBirDĀ®~
Life away from life, Friendship knows no bounds.
Feelings and emotions go hand in hand when the friends are there for you.
You can smile and shout and you can scream, you will always find that comfort in the making of those special moments which make you tempt for the friendship you cherish the most.
This was in the worlds coldest region near the construction of home, where these kids were so happy to see someone click them . I wish If I can find them again to give them these pictures.
minty green gift of friendship
Image by newwavegurly
My friend LaPea has been knitting a lot lately, and I was jokingly telling her that she needed to knit something for me. She did! I got these two beautiful hand-knitted scarves in the mail from her today… and she didn’t even tell me they were coming! She’s the bestest, isn’t she?