Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross & Whitney Houston
Posted on 30 September 2010 by Admin
Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross & Whitney Houston
Posted on 29 September 2010 by Admin
Vampire tale ‘Let Me In’ is a faithful remake
Director Matt Reeves smartly recreates the sense of tension that built in the original film’s stillness, and similarly, the quiet moments that allowed the two young characters to forge their bond.
Read more on MSNBC
Showbiz legend brings new production to the Kay Meek
Mickey Rooney and his wife Jan perform at Kay Meek Centre Sept. 14. Later this month, on Sept. 23, the Hollywood veteran celebrates his 90th birthday.
Read more on North Shore News
Ever since
Who will Kurt score? Glee series creator Ryan Murphy announced that Kurt (Chris Colfer) would be getting a love interest in Season 2 of the hit show, speculation about the suitor has been rife.
Read more on Galaxie Magazine
Posted on 28 September 2010 by Admin
Cute friendship quotes and jokes
People just love to have a good laugh and enjoy life. This is why we read jokes and funny stories. However you might not know it but there are lots of Cute Quotes and Friendship Quotes that will do this trick as well.
The main difference between funny cute quotes and jokes is the length. Most of the jokes are pretty long because this are like a short story. On the other side on the coin, the quotes are much shorter and can combine a deep meaning within just few words. The common thing between the two is that they can both be real. A quote or a joke always has a little bit of true, it is something that has been existing in the past and preserved until our very own time. There are also special joke that called “one liner” those types are resemble to the quotes because of the short length.
However there is one big difference between friendship quotes and jokes. The propose of the quotes is not only to make you smile but also to teach you a lesson. There is a lot of wisdom in the quotes world so if we read carefully those words and try to see behind the line and figuring out the deep meaning we can see that although it’s funny it has a valuable lesson for us.
For example this cute quote by Harry S. Truman: “You know that it is a recession when your friend loses his job, but it is a depression when you lose yours.” When bad things happen to other people we sometimes don’t notice and even laugh on it just to keep the bad things out of our lives. But when it affects us than it is really tragedy for us. Although these world are represented like a little joke, it is actually true when we speaking on the surviving human nature.
Friendship Quotes read all about Cute Quotes
Posted on 27 September 2010 by Admin
How to Overcome Loneliness
Are you lonely? Do you want to have companionship, friendship, and love? As you read this ebook you learn techniques that will improve your dating and bring friendship and love into your life.
How to Overcome Loneliness
Posted on 26 September 2010 by Admin
Question by christine p: good friendship gifts?
I wanted to know a good place to look for friendship gifts thats not necklaces or bracelets because its for my guy friend. i was looking for something like stuffed pandas or anything to do with cute animals. i know hes a guy but trust me loves em lol
Best answer:
Answer by Lost and Confuzzled
Add your own answer in the comments!
Posted on 25 September 2010 by Admin
The author of The Closing of the American Mind argues that basic human connections–love and friendship–are withering away, asserting that humans’ impoverished feelings are rooted in an impoverished language of love. 200,000 first printing.
Rating: (out of 8 reviews)
List Price: $ 15.00
Price: $ 30.00
Posted on 24 September 2010 by Admin
Welcome the Dating Coach – the New Super Hero of 21st Century Online Dating
The Online Dating Industry is exploding with millions of new members joining every single day. It is estimated that within the next five years, almost 50% of all single adults will use Online Dating Services to meet other singles!
As more and more people use online dating services and dating agencies to help them find their Soulmates, a new specialty service has emerged in the form of an Online Dating Coach. While the online dating sites compile your personal information so they can do the matchmaking, a Dating Coach works directly with the clients to help them establish and develop the relationships which start within the agency. A Dating Coach has the responsibility of helping clients effectively market themselves on the dating site. Essentially, an Online Dating Coach provides personal coaching services to clients so they can put their best foot forward in making contact with the other dating site members.
An Online Dating Coach is a dating specialist who, after interviewing and working with a client and using special coaching assessment tools, will help the client put his or her thoughts, feelings, and values on paper (so to speak) and in doing so create the client’s Online Dating Profile which will be seen by the other members.
In addition to this, an Online Dating Coach will help his clients see how their thoughts and feelings are affecting their dating matches, and will offer guidance and feedback to enhance the client’s likelihood of success. In many cases, a Dating Coach’s clients have been away from the single marketplace for a good number of years. Therefore a bit of rehabilitation is helpful for some clients as a way to familiarize them with 21st century dating practices. A lot has changed in the world of dating in the past ten or twenty years – indeed, even in the past five years have dating rituals evolved!
A Dating Coach usually works by phone, and typically, weekly or twice-a-week telephone coaching sessions are scheduled at the convenience of the client, sometimes after work and occasionally on the weekends. At the beginning of the coaching process, a Dating Coach will do an initial assessment to get the larger picture of what’s occurred in the client’s personal life. During that assessment, the client’s personal values are mined through a series of open-ended questions. This interview sets the stage for the effective coaching sessions that follow.
Ongoing coaching sessions with a Dating Coach may be as simple as meeting by phone for an hour to discuss the men or women you’ve dated over the past week, or they may become as intricate as having your Dating Coach listen carefully while you practice flirting with strangers, or role playing to get ready for “the big night out.”
Perhaps the most important aspect of selecting a Dating Coach is investigating their professional academic credentials. You’ll want to make sure that your Dating Coach has been professionally trained of course. A Dating Coach who has a background in Psychology or Social Work (if not both) can be very helpful in drawing out the qualities of a client’s personality that he or she may not even be aware of themselves. The Dating Coach can then help the client express themselves so their dates have the benefit of their true feelings and personality. As a simplistic but illustrative example, shyness in a person is often mistaken for conceit. The person who seems unfriendly is often just bashful, but this quality may lead to a misunderstanding – especially on a first date. A properly trained Dating Coach can resolve this type of issue by helping the client compensate for his or her shyness and even make it work in their favor.
As with any form of counseling, when you seek the assistance of a Dating Coach, be objective but also look within so you choose someone who sincerely wants to help you. The more your Dating Coach is willing to work with you as his client, the more committed he is to providing the service he’s promised. At the very least, the service of a Dating Coach will help you learn more about yourself and make you more comfortable with the personality you express to the world. Since a large part of dating is your wish to feel good about yourself through the companionship of another, just feeling better about yourself overall will make your life richer for having had the experience of being coached. And feeling better about yourself can easily lead you to the relationship you’ve been dreaming about – and the reason you joined that dating service in the first place!
Jay Reiss is an Online Dating Coach who has worked with more than two thousand clients worldwide! He’ll help you design your Online Dating Profile and show you how to succeed with Online Dating! He offers a free telephone coaching session (a 0.00 value – free!) and has Free Online Dating Advice on his website http://www.online-dating-coach.com
Find More Dating Articles
Posted on 23 September 2010 by Admin
A few nice relationships images I found:
brand relationship model
Image by zilver pics
See the blog post on www.branddriveninnovation.com/2009/02/24/new-brand-relati… for an explanation of the model, and please comment! We value your feedback on this.
puerto vallarta relationships sculptures people ocean
Image by Wonderlane
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, relationships between people and sculptures, Pacific Ocean in background.
Because in a pseudo-relationship, there is no “US” its only “YOU” and “ME”
Image by heiressanj
What if we were wrong about each other?
What if you were really made for me?
What if we were supposed to be together?
Would that not mean anything?
Don’t worry the boyfriend and I are okay. I just suddenly felt like walking down the memory lane for a while when I read Nadine’s tumblr entry about pseudo-relationship. That entry made me realize a lot of things from my past and I am happy that past is past and everything is in the right place.
By the way, been feeling really sick since Friday and I don’t know what is happening to me maybe the very hot weather here in the Philippines is the cause. You’ll notice that I am not well through the chapped lips.
For FF – Body Poetry, TRP – Covered Faces, TOTW – The Break Up and GTWL – Zodiac Characteristics
Posted on 22 September 2010 by Admin
Some cool dating images:
Carnival Date Night Save the Date
Image by ChrisMoncusPhoto.com
A Save the Date announcement slide for our Carnival-themed date night.
Date and Walnut Pie and Ice Cream
Image by Kirti Poddar
Happiness – thats the place in downtown Mumbai. And happy I was with this delightful concoction.
Heavenly… I’d buy this on a date? Any takers?
Please contact me if you would like to use this or any other photographs from my collection. Yes! The images are free for use or for modifications for commercial purpose.
cheers and happy eating
Square.com – Dating website concept ad
Image by Créations du Net – Indisponible-Unavailable
Concept ad for a dating website.
illustrator and photoshop processing.